Session 107 - 29th of Horros 948 ACW Setday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 107 - 29th of Horros 948 ACW Setday

General Summary

Rowan and Moloch had a little chat where she made fun of him, and Soli received the info on her eye from Stein while he explained Hobble's core to him. Stein and Quinn continued to work together with Quinn making voice boxes for the robots. Soli met up with Rowan in the main library where Rowan regarded that she should probably let Soli suffer the consequences of her actions someday as she healed her, and Soli noted that she was most worried about whether or not Amelia would still find her hot. Hobble took the afternoon to fish with Azeal and had a heart-to-heart with the dwarf over their respective lost and found families, and back in the upper levels of Kerith-Valandres Rowan and Soli told Ryder what they learned, Soli then asked if they could talk with Ryder's staff to figure out if any of them were being shady. Ryder told them to ensure no one got hurt and left them to do the deed. Soli activated the Truesight on her eye and found one of the staff members was masquerading as a tiefling, they then dismissed the rest of the staff with Kevin Stoutman staying to oversee. After some back and forth between Soli and Rowan, Rowan dispelled the glamour and they tied the woman to a chair. Hobble then joined and put on his torture pants causing Kevin to start calling for guards and Quinn joined the group. A fight broke out and the group was able to hold her for a moment, getting info out of her before she jumped through the window and left for the north. Ryder, Kevin, and the guards then came in and Ryder sent them to the upper office so she could talk to them.
Report Date
10 May 2023


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