Sehanine Character in Ossin | World Anvil
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The Masked Fox

Sehanine, also known as Sister of the Night Skies, Lady of Dreams, and the Masked Fox, rarely concerns herself directly with the events of Ossin aside from weaving illusions and tricks. Twin to Selûne, wife of Melora, and mother to Yunus and Tagga, Sehanine is cloaked in secrets and illusions and rarely speaks her mind directly, preferring to communicate through a process of dreams, visions, and other mystic experiences. Those who have seen her know that goddess appears as a pure white fox with red around its eyes, while in her humanoid form, she is a tall youthful, ageless, female elf in a long white gown that looked as if it was made by drops of the moon.

Divine Domains

Chaotic good goddess of Chaos, Illusion, Trickery, and Protection.


Foxes ring and Moonshaft

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Stars and Skies

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Misty crescent above a full moon

Tenets of Faith

Sehanine is a truly spiritual and ephemeral being who evades any attempt to define her and whose serenity surrounds her like a mantle of moondust. The church of Sehanine is clouded in just as much mystery, and little is known about its secretive hierarchy. The Foxe's clerics are the seers and mystics of Ossin. They serve as spiritual counselors to those who seek them out on journeys in search of enlightenment so as to transcend their current state of being. 
Sehanine's clerics serve as guardians and teachers, maintaining careful vigilance against hostile races, using a mixture of illusions, minor pranks, and humor. This approach, they say, keeps others entertained and their temples safe. They also keep extensive archives of illusory spells, practical jokes, trap designs, and stories. 
Clerics of Sehanine build few temples, preferring instead to place modest shrines and chapels wherever the veil of the material plane is thinnest.


A Day of Tricks, on the 14th of Lorastir
Divine Classification


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