Asdis Geographic Location in Ospur | World Anvil
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Asdis is the realm of eternal rest according to Followers of the Eyes. It is between the realms of The Eyes and serves as a shared space for their followers in the next life.


Asdis is a vast realm with varying pleasant geography. Rolling hills, pleasant beaches, or crisp mountain peak all grace this peaceful realm.

Localized Phenomena

In Asdis there is no death for those who walk it's dirt have already endured that fate. All injuries and pains heal without a trace nor scar. Neither hunger nor thirst troubles its residents. Food and drink are consumed solely for pleasure.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna of Asdis resembles that of Ospur superficially. However the carnivorous predators are no longer spurred on to violence by hunger. Similarly the various herbivores have little need for consuming the flora. Strangely the flora does not grow nor die but exist in a perpetual spring.


Infurna created and rules over Asdis. She welcomes the souls of Humanity to its realm of eternal rest. Despite the many centuries of arrivals there is always room for more.   However there is no space for those who would disrupt the peace of this domain. Those who do end up being sent to the pit to find the strife they seem to require.
Alternative Name(s)
Realm of Eternal Rest
Dimensional plane

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Cover image: by Digitalshrug


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