The Azamire Species in Orya | World Anvil

The Azamire

The Azamire is a powerful predator in the sweltering lands of Volestria. It's a large hound-like creature that prowls around the hot and ashen land. It is widely feared as an apex predator, second to none in its territory. Very few people, even among demi-gods, dare to approach one, and even fewer return alive. It is widely known around the area that it inhabits, and stories are told of its boulder-smashing strength, blistering speed, and unending aggression. It is wise to steer clear of their territory as much as possible.

Basic Information


The Azamire stands at an average height of 1.2 meters tall, and measures roughly 3 meters long from snout to tail. It's teeth and claws are each six inches long, and sharp enough to cut through solid rock. It's back and head are armored and are more durable than steel. It's tail can extend up to three times the Azamire's body length and is powerful enough to dig through stone.   The lower half of the the Azamire's body (from the side of its body to its underside) have thinner strips of skin that rest over its ribs and internal organs. Inside its body are six heat sacs that are capable of producing large amounts of heat, capable of reaching temperatures in excess of 530° C. These heat sacs sit in front of the vital organs both behind the ribs and under the rib cage. Rupturing these heat sacs releases incredible amounts of heat, and can sometimes cause an explosion. The Azamire's body is covered in fur that is incredibly sensitive to heat and cold.   In the Azamire's mouth are special glands that produce a very hot liquid similar to lava as its saliva. This liquid comes out at over 650° C. Further down the Azamire's throat is a third pipe that allows the Azamire to breathe fire, both in and out.

Genetics and Reproduction

Azamires reproduce through sexual reproduction, and are birthed through live birth. The gestation period for Azamires ranges between 16 - 19 weeks. The male and the female will compete to see who can produce the hottest flame. If the male can produce a hotter flame than the female, then she will mate with him. Azamires mate for life.

Growth Rate & Stages

An Azamire goes through five stages in its life cycle over the course of an average of 24 years. When born, the Azamire's skin and armor are very soft and it can barely walk. It feeds off of the milk from its mother, which is a very hot liquid that is very nutritious and serves to increase the Azamire cub's tolerance of heat. At this stage, the glands in its mouth have not reached the point where they can produce hot liquid. This stage typically last about a year.    Between a year and 5 years old, the Azamire cub will spend its time building muscle, typically through play with its mother, increasing its speed by running a lot, and toughening its armor by throwing itself into rocks and boulders. During this time, it is still fed by its mother, but it now feeds on the prey that its mother hunts.    An Azamire typically reaches maturity around age 7 or 8, after which point it will venture out on its own to find its own territory and fending for itself. An Azamire is at its most dangerous typically between ages 12 and 20, after which point the Azamire will begin to slow down, grow weaker, and eventually die. When an Azamire is approaching death, it will begin spending more time resting near particularly hot heat sources, typically lava pools or heat rocks, and it will hunt less frequently. Eventually, the Azamire will begin to sleep for most of the day, and typically passes away peacefully. When an Azamire dies of natural causes, its body will ignite and turn to ash.

Ecology and Habitats

Azamires typically live in Volestria, as the active volcanoes in that land and the fire storms provide plenty of heat that Azamires love and thrive in. For an Azamire to live comfortably, very high heat is required, typically between 371° C and 650° C is the sweet-spot for an Azamire. Azamires love to dig, and prefer areas with plenty of ash and soft ground, though they don't mind digging through hard ground and rocks.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Azamires are carnivores, and require a tremendous amount of calories each day. An Azamire hunts primarily at night, when the surrounding temperature drops, to make it easier to detect prey with its heat sense. When it discovers prey, it will do its best to sneak up on it and kill it as quickly as possible. It prefers not to chase prey, but if it is especially hungry it will give chase. It will use its claws, teeth and tail to incapacitate its prey with incredible aggression. If it needs to, it will even resort to using its fire breath to harm its prey at a distance, or to cut it off from escaping.   An Azamire needs to consume approximately 16,000 calories a day, even more if it uses its fire breath or if it needs to create a large amount of heat. As such, its favorite prey are Goglumars, gigantic worm-like creatures that are incredibly rich in calories. A single Goglumar will keep an Azamire fed for three days, but Goglumars are somewhat rare in Volestria, so it will continue to hunt even if it has found one.   Azamires are territorial, each patrolling a territory of approximately 11km. They will breathe fire at other Azamires that attempt to enter their territory as a warning, and will fight if they persist. Male Azamires will allow females into their territory, and female Azamires will often take advantage of this to hunt wherever they please, especially when the food in their own territory has grown scarce.

Biological Cycle

Azamires are less active during Kelondas, as the lower temperatures cause the Azamire to expend more heat to hunt.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Azamire is blind, as the armor on its head covers its eyes. To perceive its surroundings, the Azamire detects the heat that comes off of its surroundings. It does this either by the natural heat that comes off of its surroundings, or by producing heat from its heat sacs.
Scientific Name
Canis Volcanuss


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