Starship Combat in Ortari | World Anvil
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Starship Combat

The Basics

  • Uses hex grid
  • The direction a ship is facing is important and (almost all) ships cannot rotate in place, they must move to change direction. A ship can face 6 directions (each side of the hex it is in).
  • Hexes do not measure a set distance, but are used to show positioning and relative distance between objects. All ships take up 1 hex.
  • There is no initiative. Each round, pilots make checks do determine who will be moving and attacking first, but these events are considered to be happening at the same time. Each round of combat has 3 phases: Engineering, Helm, and Gunnery.
  • Ships have two types of weapons, direct fire weapons and tracking weapons. AC is used for direct fire weapons while TL (Target Lock) is used for tracking weapons
  • If an attack crits, it will deal critical damage.
  • A ship at 0 HP is not destroyed, but it is no longer functioning. A ship is only destroyed when it suffers damage that would bring it to the negative amount of its total HP. The hull becomes compromised and all systems cease functioning.
  • arcs are the sides of the ship. Each ship has 4 arcs: forward (front), starboard (right), port (left) , and aft (back).
  • I will not be using the Drift or Drift engines, as they have not yet been invented.
  • Statblock

  • Speed: Number of hexes the ship can move per round. A ship’s speed applies a modifier to piloting checks; slower ships get a bonus to piloting, faster ships get a penalty.
  • Maneuverability: Determines how quickly a ship can turn. A ship can have 1 of 5 maneuverability ratings: Clumsy, Poor, Average, Good, and Perfect. A clumsy ship must move 4 tiles before turning one facing (facing a side of the hex directly to the right or left of the one it was just facing), while an average ship needs to move two tiles before turning one facing, and a perfect ship can turn without moving at all.
  • DT: Damage Threshold. Ignore for now.
  • CT: Critical Threshold. CT is 20% of the ship’s HP. When the total damage the ship has taken passes the critical threshold or a multiple of the critical threshold, the ship takes critical damage.
  • Shields: ships have shield generators with a total number of shield points that can be allocated to the 4 arcs in any way you choose. Up to 25% of remaining shield points can be moved between arcs during the engineering phase. When allocating shield points, each arc must have at least 10% of the total shield points available. When moving shield points, the arc that you are removing points from must have at least 10% of the total shield points after moving them. Damage consumes shield points first, any excess damage goes to the ship’s HP.
  • Weapons: Each weapon may only fire in the arc it is in, except for turrets which can fire in any direction. There is no limit to the number of weapons that can be fired per round, but each weapon can only be fired once per round and it must have a gunner manning it. Each gunner adds their Base Attack Bonus + DEX Modifier + any bonuses from captain/science officers/computers - range penalty.
  • Features: These are mostly for building the ship and determining its stats so you can basically ignore them for now.
  • Modifiers: applied to crew checks by the ship’s equipment.
  • Compliment: number of crew members aboard the ship. If a ship has Compliment 4-7, it must have at least 4 crewmembers to run, but cannot have more than 7 with jobs aboard the ship.
  • Combat

  • Separated into 3 phases: engineering, helm, and gunnery. Each role only acts during certain phases.
  • Engineering

  • Divert (Engineer): Engineering DC (10 + 1 - 1/2 * Ship Tier) to divert power to various systems. Engines increases speed by 2, science equipment gives all science officers a +2, weapons allows any damage die that rolls a 1 to be treated as a 2 instead, shields restores shield points equal to 5% of PCU evenly distributed in the 4 quadrants. All effects except boosting shields last 1 round.
  • Hold It Together (Engineer): Engineering DC (15 + 1 - 1/2 * Ship Tier) to make the critical damage to 1 system 2 steps less severe for 1 round.
  • Patch (Engineer): Repair a damaged system. The DC and number of actions depends on its condition. Glitching: 1 action, Engineering DC ( 10 + 1 - 1/2 * Ship Tier). Malfunctioning: 2 actions, Engineering DC ( 15 + 1 - 1/2 * Ship Tier). Wrecked: 3 actions, Engineering DC ( 20 + 1 - 1/2 * Ship Tier). On a success, the system is considered to be undamaged for 1 hour or until it suffers from critical damage again.
  • Helm

  • Fly (Pilot): Move up to the ships movement speed and turn according to maneuverability.
  • Maneuver (Pilot): Move up to the ships movement speed and Piloting DC ( 15 + 1 - 1/2 * Ship Tier) to reduce distance between turns by 1 for 1 turn.
  • Stunts (Pilot): No.
  • Balance (Science Officer): You can shift shield points with a Computers of Mysticism DC ( 10 + 1 - 1/2 * Ship Tier). After balancing, each quadrant must have at least 10% of the total shield points. Or you can add up all remaining shield points and distribute them evenly.
  • Scan (Science Officer):

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