Different Systems in Ortari | World Anvil
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Different Systems

Resolve Points: Used to recover Stamina, for class abilities, and to attempt to stabilize after being knocked unconscious. You start with a number of resolve points equal to half your level rounded down plus the modifier of your key ability score listed in your class. The minimum number of Resolve Points you can have is 1.   Taking Damage: Whenever you take damage, you first subtract from your Stamina Points. You can replenish Stamina Points by spending 1 Resolve Point and resting for 10 minutes. Up to once per day, you can regain some Hit Points and all Stamina Points by resting for 8 hours (equivalent of long rest). They can also be regained through magic or technology.   Dealing Damage: If an attack uses Strength to hit, add your Strength modifier to the damage. Otherwise do not add any ability modifier to the damage. All attacks deal at least 1 damage.   Armor Class: You have two armor classes Energy Armor Class (EAC) and Kinetic Armor Class (KAC). EAC is your AC for things that deal damage as a result of energy (ex. acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage). KAC is your AC for things that deal physical damage (ex. bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage). If a weapon deals both physical and energy damage, use your KAC. Attacks will list which AC to use.   Bulk: Carrying capacity (I want to try using it, but might get rid of it if it turns out to be too annoying). Players can carry Bulk equal to half of their Strength Ability Score rounded down. All items have a bulk listed. 10 items labeled L are equal to 1 Bulk. An item with a dash has a negligible weight and is not counted.  

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