Kolgi Ethnicity in Orrus | World Anvil


When the Durgol migrated, the Kolgi ended up making great wooden towns in the forest south of the Highpeaks in what is now Frisia. They remain their today. The Kolgi are natural woodsmen and are keen on preserving the forests. That is not to say they do not utilize the forest's natural resources as they are excellent lumberjacks and hunters. They are simply more advanced and in tune with the needs of the forest and the replenishment of the resources than the humans or even their Durgol kin.


Average technological level

The Kolgi are master furniture makers and general carpenters. Their works fetch a high price in human markets. Their axe-craft is also superb. Their axes are well balanced and last much longer than human tools.
Of course I know the way through the forest human. I'm not going to lead you through however, as that army of yours will cause immense amounts of trauma and damage to the woods.
— Gegni Treewalker, Kolgi Woodwalker
Encompassed species