Frisia - Primer in Orrus | World Anvil

Frisia - Primer

The Frisians have always had a keen mind for trade and commerce. During the Old Ametrian Empire, guilds and important merchants with each claiming his or her own territory divided the Frisian people. In response to the newly formed nation of Kingsland at a meeting known as the Toetreden discussions in Margraten, the guilds and merchants set aside their differences and formed the Merchant League. It has flourished ever since as one of the richest nations on Serrus.   The Frisians command a large merchant ship fleet and a grand navy. This gives them a long arm of trade all throughout Serrus and beyond. The only aspect of trade they do not control is an overland route across the Veran Mountains. Neither negotiation nor war has persuaded the Argaun people to give the Frisians control of High Pass.