Aeshwenii Species in Oritas | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Humanoid for the most part, save for their extra set of arms. The upper pair are slightly larger than the lower pair. They also have four eyes, one main pair and a secondary, smaller pair located above and to the side.   Their feet are shaped more like a gorilla's than a human's with prehensile toes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aeshwenii reproduce the same way as humans.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Aeshwenii live in large groups between one hundred to a few thousand individuals. Living in such large groups allows them to have extremely specialised knowledge, allowing them to work well as a whole. A singular aeshwa can acquire the skills and knowledge to live independently, and indeed some do, but they are naturally extremely social so it's often unnecessary.   In most cities, there is a council of leaders, each representing a certain aspect of life and trade such as metalsmiths, farmers, merchants and warriors to name a few. The larger the city, the more council members there will be. Representatives are chosen by individuals with skills that fall under their domain. Some will serve for many years while others may only have a hadful of meetings.   The council decided what actions to take through voting, majority wins. Action is not taked until there is a majority. If something is voted against, a debate can be opened up and a compromise can be reached before a second vote. This can happen multiple times.

Facial characteristics

Aeshwenii have a total of four eyes arranged with the primary pair in the same place as a human would with the smaller, secondary pair above and out from the centre of the face. Eye color can range from black, brown, red and orange. The iris covers most of the visible eye, leaving the whites barely visible. The pupil is comparably the same as for a human.   Because of their unusual eye configuration, aeshwenii features tend to take up more of the face. They have brow ridges but no actual eyebrows. Their noses are flattened and slitted rather than their being much of a defined structure since they don't rely much on their sense of smell.   Aeshwenii teeth tend to be sharp in the front but flattened toward the back of the mouth. Their ears are long and pointed, sticking out to the sides a bit.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Aeshwenii are mainly located in the forests of southwestern Oritas around the Ashrind Sea. They can however be found across Oritas.

Average Intelligence

Aeshwenii have intelligence comparable to a human. They are generalised by other sentient species as being stupid but aeshwenii tend to specialise their knowledge rather than have a lot of general knowledge.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyesight is exceptional, possessing an extremely wide field of view. Almost all of their vision is in three dimensions. They can see into the infra red, allowing them to pick up on heat signatures. They can see slightly into ultraviolet but not enough for it to be particularly useful, only really helping them to distinnguish colours slightly better in that range. Despite their enhances visual capabilities, most aeshwenii are at least a little bit near sighted and cannot see far distances.   Their hearing isn't as good as acute as a human's, despite their long, pointed ears.   Everything else is roughly the same as it is for a human.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Due to the large size of aeshwenii cities, it isn't uncommon for many aeshwa to share the same names. To distinguish between individuals with the same name a description is often given by the individual stating something about their physical appearance, occupation, history or something else significant about them. For example "Bladesmith Eshi", "Turrin the Broad", "Fremal Desert-walker".   Names are given by the parents at birth, though can be changed later. Names are given in their native language of aekaa.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The aeshwenii speak their native language of aekaa. Common is sometimes used.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans have a tendancy of referring to aeshwenii as "elves" thanks to their own mythology. Aeshwenii don't generally like it much.   Generally things are peaceful between the aeshwenii and other species since as a whole species they're not very organised so would struggle to amass an army if they wanted to attack. In return, they're mostly left alone and treated as neutral. When they do come together, it's bad new for their enemy.
Average Height
1.3 - 1.6 m
Average Physique
Aeshwenii are short compared to other sentient species. Their arms are proportionally longer than a human's, being better adapted for life in the trees than on the ground. They generallt look a bit like chimps but hairless and with extra arms.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin colouration is the same as it is for humans except they aren't really white very often.

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