Gnome Species in Orienta | World Anvil


Gnomes are small humanoids known for their ingenuity, inquisitiveness, and engineering prowess. Gnomes can often be found in small communities scattered across the foothills of the Khelreach Range, and working in manufacturing in factories and workshops within Holzreich.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Gnomes historically hailed from the foothills of the Khelreach Range, particularly northern Siarland and southern Nordur. In the Imperial Era, a sizeable Gnome diaspora has appeared in Holzreich, notably in the city of Hornstadt.

Civilization and Culture


During the Elven Age, Gnomes were largely left untroubled by the ruling Elven Kingdoms, mostly residing in small isolated communities. This independence was guaranteed by the Gnomes strong relationship with the Dwarves of the Khelreach Range, with whom the Gnomes traded and visited frequently. Gnomes developed a reputation as talented engineers and often worked with dwarves on engineering projects, a reputation that has persisted into the Imperial Age.
Average Height
Average Weight
15‒30 kg
Geographic Distribution