Division of Internal Affairs Organization in Orienta | World Anvil

Division of Internal Affairs

The Division of Internal Affairs is a Reichguard unit responsible for Intelligence, Civil Order, Border Control and Law Enforcement in Holzreich. Internal Affairs is composed of both uniformed Reichguardsmen and civilian contractors. Despite being a unit of the Reichguard, Internal Affairs answers directly to the Inquisitor of Holzreich, the Inquisitor's orders taking priority over Reichguard High Command. Internal Affairs operate regional headquarters in Hornstadt, Krezung and the Frontier.


Internal Affairs is headed by the Inquistor of the Reich. Each regional outpost is headed by a Reichguard Colonel assigned to Internal Affairs, with each Colonel having command over all Internal Affairs assets in that region.

Public Agenda

Civil Order, Border Control, Law Enforcement


400 Internal Affairs Men-at-Arms   Hornstadt City Guard   Krezung City Guard
Founding Date
101 IE
Military, Intelligence
Parent Organization