Alamani Geographic Location in Orienta | World Anvil


Alamani is a region at the western base of the Browntail Range, encompassing the desert of the Browntail Expanse and the Alamani Savannah. The region is the homeland of the Tabaxi.    


  Bordered by the @Bro to the East, and the Southern Sea to the West, Alamani boasts a variety of biomes. Along the coast, a lush tropical jungle covers the seaside settlements of the Tabaxi under its canopy, concealing the movements of travelling merchants and hunters. Further East, the trees open to the Alamani Savannah, home to dozens of tribes of Tabaxi nomads, never staying in one place for too long. At the feet of the Browntails lies the Browntail Expanse, a harsh and unforgiving desert home to none but the hardiest Tabaxi.      


  At the North-Western crossroads lies the settlement of Gathering by The Paths, a trade hub for merchants from the west willing to brave the trechareous Wastes of Harlak, as well as caravans following the northern passage from Sutra Bay. Following the jungle road south, travellers find themselves in the port city of Gentle Fields by the Sea, an unsually bustling metropolis for the usually nomadic Tabaxi and popular destination for dozens of Races from nations all over the world. On the Eastern Border of Alamani, the fortress of Perch Above the Treetops lies nestled in the mountains, an ancient stronghold that Tabaxi of old have fled to in times of hardship to weather out the storm, seeking shelter from raiders from Azkebich, slavers of the Children of Harlak and even pirates from Sutra Bay.
  • 300,000 Tabaxi
  • 30,000 Other Races (Primarily in Gentle Fields by the Sea)
  • Type

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