Eckaeciz Character in Ordo Templaris Universe | World Anvil


Adept Alexander Eckaeciz (a.k.a. DM-13)

Eckaeciz is in charge of all medical dealings in the Ordo Templaris . He was born and raised on Raxus Prime, before joining the Imperial Military as a combat medic. He served for half a decade, before studying Medicine and becoming a surgeon. He was later recruited by the Occulta Dominum, and has been with the Ordo since the merging of some of their troops into the organisation.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eck is in top physical condition for his age, though it has certainly left its marks. He lives a healthy lifestyle, making him look rather young and energetic for his age.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alexander Eckaeciz was born on Raxus Secundus as the son of a psychology professor and a Lieutenant in the Imperial Navy. His family on his mother's side was comparatively well off, enabling him to visit one of the best schools on the planet. Fooled by propaganda and his family’s diehard pro-empire views, he admired his father’s work in the military, as in his opinion, it brought stability to a ruthless galaxy. However, not long after he turned 10, he and his mother received news that his father had given his life for the Sith Empire This devastated Alexander, who lost his main role model. He always wanted to serve under his father when he was in the military. His grades went down for a while, almost causing him to repeat a year of school. However, he seemed to have gotten a hold of himself just in time, as he told himself to honour his father’s memory.
  Several years passed, and upon graduation from school, Alexander was drafted into the imperial military. His trainers took note of his incredibly steady hands, recommending to him that he should have a look at sniper and recon training. However, not wanting to resort to “cowardly tactics”, as his father called them, he instead chose to become a combat medic, wanting to put his skills to use by saving the people who brought stability and order to the galaxy. After completing his training, he was shipped to Balmorra to help put down the resistance and stitch together wounded troopers hit by the natives’ guerilla tactics. During this time, Alexander found his love for medicine. Deciding to put his steady hands to good use, he left the military after five years to study medicine, with the goal of becoming an Orthopaedic surgeon, wanting to properly be able to help soldiers recover from their injuries.
  After eight years, however, fate would take him into a slightly different direction. Only a few months after his mother had died from an immune deficiency, Eckaeciz was approached by Salidar’s imperials. He was hand-picked for a position within the Imperial ghost operations. Serving under Salidar for the Occulta Dominum furthering the cause of the Empire. After careful consideration, he decided to take on the new position he was offered. He has been with her for the last few years, fixing broken bones, torn muscles, et cetera for the soldiers. Upon the merging of the Ordo and Salidar's forces, he has become the lead Doctor in the Ordo Templaris.


DM-13 had exceptional formal education as a child, with mostly great grades. Additionally, he was trained by the Empire to be a soldier and combat medic, before studying medicine at the MedUni Kaas later in his life.


He was formally employed by the Imperial Military as a combat medic for three years. After his medical education, he worked at the Kilran Memorial Hospital on Dromund Kaas as an Orthopaedic surgeon, before he was recruited by Salidar's forces, working for her and the Ordo since.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Alexander takes most pride in having made it to the top of the medical personnel both amongst Salidar's Dominum forces and the Ordo Templaris.

Intellectual Characteristics

Eckaeciz is an incredibly fast learner, with a burning passion for medicine. He always keeps himself educated on the biology and medical procedures of the many species in the galaxy.

Morality & Philosophy

His time on Balmorra clearly shaped the soldier. While not traumatising him, he has carried the events with him ever since, leading to him developing an instinct to protect the soldiers fighting for Order. He will try to further his medical research as far as he can, in order to protect his fellow soldiers from dying. While he takes no pleasure in killing others, he will do so without hesitation if it meant to ensure the safety of his fellow comrades.

Personality Characteristics


DM-13 hopes to one day see the end of soldiers throwing their lives away for ideals. He hopes to see peace in his time and is willing to fight for it.


Eckaeciz is extremely hygienic, always looking for an opportunity to keep himself clean, even if the circumstances do not always allow for it.


Social Aptitude

While Eckaeciz sometimes comes across as arrogant and condescending, especially when lecturing people about their lifestyles, he cares deeply about his fellow Crusaders, trying to help them wherever he can - even if they do not like it.


DM-13 speaks slowly, clearly and avoids slang.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Baccalaureus Scientiae
Medicinae Doctor
Year of Birth
32778 TYA 49 Years old
Raxus Secundus
Current Residence
Dark Brown
Carefully combed short brown hair with a right parting
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
76 kg
Known Languages
Basic (Native)
Proto-Basic (Fluent)
High Sith (A few phrases and words he picked up in the Empire)


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