Ottovilla Geographic Location in Orbius | World Anvil
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This is the area directly south of the Kingdom, east of Vinar, north of the Southern Ocean. It is an ancient land, settled for many millennia, the site of a number of great empires and kingdoms, and even now, rich in history and culture.   The area is named after the city of Ottovilla, the largest and most important city, on the Imperia river. Politically, the region is divided into a dozen smaller entities. Ottovilla, in the rich imperia valley, with access to the sea and mountains, is the richest, most populous and most powerful. It clings to the glories of the past, still claiming primacy in things like the church and so on. It’s main direct rivals are Cambria, further up the river, Astarte, on the parallel Talo river to the east, and a number of duchies and counties, such as Imbroglio, Duqurque and os on. East of Astarte, on the lower reaches of the Stell river, is the city of Pallas - a republic, and a surprisingly powerful trading entity.


Hilly, scored by deep river valleys.
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