Terhamut Settlement in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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Terhamut is one of the larger cities on Felyra. It is built upon more dried lands with some local floral mountain reaches close by, and rich more enclosed cultivated gardens. Aliens are expected and visited among a small metropolis, where large ads, trade-ready nobles, and various spots invite a number of varied activities or services. Historically the city has had moments of issues between a rivalrous feudal period with historical district impacts, as well as polluted water supplies that were only fixed with the alien corporation of Nugget's Queen settled in and became a fast food staple. However its also infamous for a scuffle that ended with that Nugget's Queen ablaze and collapsing, while reports of a wide variety suggest all manner of issues from an unethical and violent display of ryclin aliens (or a more hefty creature with some shared description), to abductions and cruelty over numerous patrons. However any trace of the offending clan that managed the property have vanished, and Sycore claims no personal responsibility as they work to start newer sites.
Large city
Related Ethnicities
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