Tail Character in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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Operative Heirous (a.k.a. Tail)

Heirous is a male tikerin that has been a veteran sycore agent by the codename of Tail, mostly operating under Syrena's side of corporate imperialism and exotic consumables. He's shrewd, lustful, and crass, but experienced with interrogation, poignant force, and has an impressively longer timespan in the service. While not always a working pair, his career eventually turned to a path in which he was mostly partnered with Agent Feathers across many assignments. His key tactics are often deception and mind-altering magical practices, sometimes able to redirect people and objects with such powers. On the down side, he's not gifted at wider power themed magic, and is a victim of his own lust and libido.

Physical Description

Body Features

His base coloration is a faded gold tone, with a darker soft brown coloration streaking down the center of his back, and tips of his ears and paws. He's mostly even measured for a male of his species, and has dark green eyes. He's strong, but not remarkably fit to a high degree, able to punch or hop if he needs to but more adept with tools and spells.

Special abilities

  • Mind control
  • Light pyromancy
  • Golem conjuration - empowering and puppeteering inanimate objects or elements

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Heirous has a very shallow depth of good ideals and principles. He mostly wants to do his job well enough, and often gets enjoyment out of seeing opposition or people worthless to him getting pushed around or hurt. He likely grew up in a holding where he felt very alone, and relied on magic and objects more for actions and company, and passes that behavior onto using people as tools and not understanding their own pleasure to have social cliches and friends. The same way he learned at a young age that brooms could be given a command to self-serve, he found he could give commands to tall and attractive tikerin to bend his foes for him. Still, he has loose senses of soft spots for some. Unconditional allies like the satyr peons can sometimes get his empathy, and his strong unmedicated affections for certain female figures leads to at least be softer on females until he can force himself onto them and ditch them with some self-satisfaction. He has a sometimes cold and disagreeing or spry and argumentative banter with his co-worker, but in earnest has developed enough respect to consider her useful and worth protecting in critical situations.
Dark Green
Short, dark military cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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