Qorraxen Coalition Organization in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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Qorraxen Coalition

Lead mostly by Kh'abbian-ho'nahts, this has became their official force of authority across most of their home locations. Named after the eventual founding capital of planet Qorraxen, they have taken command after the second civil war period of their race. Since then, they're been a loose 'coalition' in name, feigning a working co-existence of the race that has been largely managed by big companies, and neurological enslaving conditions and tight legal regulations. While not much of a threat to outside species, and allowing some imports and trade from them, they are considered fairly dystopian by guests that get to see what its like for civilians. Yet there is some cultural debate left in place, since the natural race in charge does have high abilities in emotional controls and foresight, and they tend to argue they are merely crafting a sense of total complacency where they can while remaining utility effects in results and maintanence. It looks cold to outsiders, but stimulants and technology do tend to regulate a sense of peace internally. Outside in sectors across planets like M'nyulis, a lot of strife and crime outbreaks happen from less controlled emotional states, and a much more thinned Kh'abbi presence.   There remains a slight division and rivalry with the Jraki Kvot organization after its internal mutiny. It was once suspected to have some ties and trade in with the Coalition, but after the murder of the natural ho'naht family, its been on rocky terms and sometimes considered to over-step their boundaries when over-employing in regions the coalition wishes to presume more control under. However the commerce cycling through them, has also yielded some partial benefit and attention to the Coalition, and they often stop short of direct combat and conflict with the company.
Geopolitical, Technocracy
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