Prism Entertainment Organization in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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Prism Entertainment

Still a WIP
Prism Entertainment is a branching network of functions under Sycore. They're most well known for The Crossover Games, a sport of competing contestants and commercial production around people pulled (often involuntarily) from across different worlds. In fact sometimes the whole branch may be incorrectly referred to as the TCG-division of Sycore. The division mostly drives to entertain and promote for profit, even if it comes at the expense of those it draws in.  

The Crossover Games

  The Crossover Games is a rotational event where during a 'game season' contestants from different places across the full omniverse are pulled away from their normal customs to compete. They form teams, sometimes labeled after heroics or injustices, and made to fight it out. Events are held without much consistent information towards the contestants, and they may even be plucked at inconvenient or sudden moments. Later this is marketed heavily within fair parks, commercials, and merchandising, with broadcasted airings even making their rounds to the Archipelago sectors themselves. Yet actual accuracy of the worlds and merchandise may be fabricated from either poor research, or for audience amusement. Rivals may include even super-beings, such as demonic possessive forces, super powers, but also down to as humble of entities as humans or comedic types. Death is not an issue through advanced copying and temporal technologies saving individuals even if they were to perish at every entry.   Nobody truly wins in TCG. While a winner is announced, and winning set events may even grant temporary boosts of joyful power through cautious wishes, the grand result is often more bitter. Contestants need either a special permit, contract, or entry to get out. Most involuntary lifeforms are kept for either more performance reviews, mercenary work, and potential returns in future seasons.    

Tekkedan Water Sports

  The Tekkedan Water Sports is a smaller session close to the same mindset of Crossover Games, just played up more between water focused sports. Its been a smaller experimental event suiting small gaps between TCG seasons, and making up for an odd three-year failed attempt at an Aerial Games competition. TWS is a segment focusing around Tekkedan folk competing across a few set challenges like hoop racing, glacial  treasure hunts, etc. The merchandising and fairs are held in more of an underground facility, where visitors are able to meet contestants under aquarium-like circumstances. The systems of player scoring has been an ongoing test between individual earnings, teams, and teamed family clans with secondary indivdual medals.   As with TCG, winners and losers are expected to be used rather than returned. The difference is Syrena had some additional cooperate ideas, and most Tekkedan contestants are fed heavy meals for blubbering-up before the second half with far colder temperatures, but serves the dual purpose to easily process them into Nugget Queen's mixed fish meat, or even online as celebrity meat if they had a strong following. Some alternate cases for set individuals is either getting moved to a permanent aquatic tank like a pet fish for viewing, or stellar combat skills may bring a rare few to mercenary work if marine jobs are even available. As there are few demands for marine mercenary work, if they stay in shape they may return in repeated sports for fan appeal.
Corporation, Entertainment
Alternative Names
Crossover Games Network
Parent Organization
Related Professions


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