The Ballad of Jillian Jaunt Myth in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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The Ballad of Jillian Jaunt

The Ballad of Jillian Jaunt is a name ascribed to any number of songs, plays, poems, or other bardic tales that mostly follow the same loose storyline. The name is also often used for instrumental music that displays a high degree of virtuosity.


Jillian Jaunt was a Halfling fiddler who made her way to Cantonova from the far southern fields, hoping to make a name for herself via her music. Though she was incredibly gifted, she struggled to gain any fame for herself. One day, she played a tune so sweetly that it caught the ear of Nick Shadow. He offered that, in exchange for her mortal Soul, people far and wide would remember any work that bore her name. She eagerly agreed to the deal. Though the music that bore her name became famous, however, people very quickly forgot her face. She toured again and again, but never gained traction, while other bards that copied her music grew wealthy. Some years later, after a long tour abroad, she returned to her home to find it empty. Even her husband and young son had forgotten her, assuming she abandoned them, and left for another town. Many tales end there, with her fate unknown; others tell that she died of despair, either on the spot or in the years that followed. In a few stories, her ghost wanders still, in the spirit of every mournful fiddler's tune.
Date of First Recording
ca. Y1000 CPX


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