Symbols of Janus Tradition / Ritual in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Symbols of Janus

Janusian key The Janusian key (seen to the right) is the common runic representation of Janus. It is shaped like an upturned crescent moon sitting atop a slightly curved lowercase letter t, above which floats a circle divided vertically in half.  


This color-changing gemstone, with its transmutative properties and origin near ley lines, is a favorite material used in holy symbols and idols of Janus.  


The rainbow is a popular symbol of Janus, since it contains the full spectrum of colors visible to Humanoid eyes and appears after a change of weather. In all its forms-- as the arc-shape seen in the sky, a beam refracted by a prism, or the spectrum of colors itself-- it is widely seen in the clothing of Janusian priests and the decorations for the Feast of Janus.
Pictured: a Janusian key in rainbow coloration, often used as a symbol of queerness.


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