Omnidress Item in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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The Omnidress is a magical article of clothing that the wearer can transform into a dress or other full-body garment of nearly any design. It cannot imitate metal armor, but it can imitate hide or leather armor, with similar protection to a light leather armor.   It is particularly beloved by women for its roomy and easily accessible pockets, a rarity among dresses. However, the specific illusion and transmutation magics required to shift and manipulate the pockets alongside the dress seems to come with a mild, yet unavoidable side effect: when the wearer is complimented on their dress, they are magically compelled to answer aloud with "Thanks, it has pockets!"


The Omnidress was invented in Y1036 by Moon Elf Transmuter Cyrano Chastain in the city of Cantonova, and revealed at the transmuter's conference held at the Royal Institute of Cantonova in September of that same year. It immediately caught on, causing a mild riot at the event in the scramble for people to purchase one. Today, however, it is available in most large cities for a reasonable 40-50 gp.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Creation Date
Base Price
40 gp

Cover image: by Suhash Villuri


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