Dearg-Due Species in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Dearg-Due ((DAH-rug DU-eh))

The Dearg-Due are an Unseelie Fey species found throughout all four courts, though they are most prevalent in the Winter Court.   Sometimes, an Eladrin becomes so fixated on the idea of bearing life that, if the ceremony passes over them year after year, they become twisted and corrupted. If they cannot carry life, they will suck the life out of others. Thus is born the bloodthirsty dearg-due.

Basic Information


The dearg-due look similar to eladrin at a first glance, though they seem thin and malnourished in comparison to most. Their skin is pale and drained of color, their cheeks are sunken, and their hair fades to either jet black or pure white.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dearg-due feed exclusively on the blood of either fey or mortals. If they go long enough without feeding, they shrivel away until only a bloodthirsty mist remains. They prefer mortals to all other prey, since they are jealous of the mortal ability to reproduce far more freely than any fey creature.


When the dearg-due hunt intelligent creatures, they appear either harmless and in need of help or irresistibly seductive, depending on what they believe will be most effective. They use their latent fey powers to enchant and charm the victim, rendering them dazed and willing to surrender their blood. Finally, they drain as much of their blood as possible, often completely sucking a weak and unsuspecting victim dry.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Dearg-Due are fierce hunters, stealthy and unnaturally fast. They are capable of mesmerizing their potential prey with a few words or even a glance. Once their unfortunate victim is ensnared, they use their sharp teeth to pierce their neck and drain their blood. Nearly everything lacks color in the Winter Court, but the corpse of a mortal drained to completion by a dearg-due retains this greyscale tone, even if removed from the Feywild.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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