Anvil Christmas Special Adventure Overview 2023 Plot in Anvil | World Anvil

Anvil Christmas Special Adventure Overview 2023


The party begins on their way to the springs of the Skunk River and Thorn River.

Christmas - Tide
Emerald Flutter
As you continue your urgent quest to find the lost Ulfen refugees, escaping a fiery inferno, your path leads you through the Narlmarches Woods. In this ancient forest, the air is tingling with the scent of moss and an elusive magical fragrance. The dense canopy above casts a play of light and shadow on the forest floor, sunlight filtering through in emerald shards. A sense of deep tranquility pervades as you head towards the springs of the Skunk and Thorn rivers. Amidst this serene setting, a single glowing flower stands out, its soft light offering a moment of peace in your search. This magical bloom in the heart of the Narlmarches Woods is a beacon, reminding you of the enduring wonders in your world, guiding you on your noble journey. Do you reach towards the glowing flower?

The flower

The flower, nestled among the lush greenery of the Narlmarches Woods, appears almost otherworldly. Its petals are a vibrant shade of cerulean blue, edged with a faint luminescence that seems to pulse gently, in tune with the natural rhythm of the forest. Each petal is velvety to the touch, and the center of the flower holds a core that glows like a captured star, casting a soothing, azure light in the dim surroundings. The fragrance emanating from it is a blend of night-blooming jasmine and a hint of something indefinable, a scent that seems to whisper of ancient secrets and forgotten lore.

If the players succeed on a DC 20 Arcana or Nature check: The buds of the Starheart blossom is a rare incredient used for fey spells like the "Cloak of the Dreamwalker" and "Fey Mindstorm"

You've stumbled upon the "Starheart Blossom," a rare and fabled flower known to few. Legends say that the Starheart Blossom possesses mystical properties, blooming only in places where the veil between the prime material and the feywild.

The Camp

Training Ground

  • Jarvi Baersnug, Ulfen Monk
  • The Hook

    The raiders fought and took the 5 shield maidens and many of the most healthy women and children with them and most of their supplies. Jarvi and the other families will not leave without them and he is trying to train some of the men to go and get them back. He knows that the raiders took them towards the cliffs, south of here to the crater hill caves.

    The Burned Valley

    The Night Before Christmas - Christopher Drake
    As you emerge from the Narlmarches Woods, the landscape transforms drastically. Before you lies a once-lush valley, now a somber scene of desolation. The ground is sodden and muddy underfoot, with patches of dead plants scattered across the expanse, their wilted forms a stark contrast to the forest's vitality. The sky above is overcast, heavy with dark clouds that seem to press down on the earth, intensifying the feeling of gloom.   The air is thick with the pungent smell of rot and decay, a testament to the devastation that has swept through this land. In the distance, the horizon still glows ominously with the remnants of the fire, its smoke casting a pall of darkness over the region. This lingering smoke blurs the line between day and night, creating an eerie twilight.   Amidst this desolation, bioluminescent fungi have taken root. They bloom in vibrant clusters across the valley, their soft, light providing a stark contrast to the surrounding darkness. These glowing fungi, in red, green, and pale white, create an almost surreal landscape, painting the valley floor with speckles of otherworldly light


    As you cautiously navigate the transformed valley, you approach what was once a small creek, now swollen into a sprawling swamp. The mire's murky waters are unsettlingly still, and the air is heavy with an ominous silence. Suddenly, your attention is drawn to a bizarre sight emerging from the fog.   Before you stands a group of creatures that defy explanation. They resemble zombies, but with a strange, eerie twist. Each one is clad in what appears to be an brass diver's suit, complete with brass helmets and armor. Their suits are in various stages of decay, revealing patches of their glowing, oozing flesh underneath. The glow is an unnatural shade of green, casting an eerie light on the swampy surroundings. Their movements are sluggish yet determined, as they shuffle towards you with an unsettling persistence.   As they draw closer, the swamp's waters around them seem to ripple with their every step, and the air grows thick with the smell of decay and brine. The sight of these glowing, oozing zombies in diver suits is enough to send a chill down your spine.


    Bioluminescent Fog: The glowing zombies emit a dense, luminous fog, reducing visibility. Attacks from a distance have a higher chance of missing due to obscured sight. (-2 To all Ranged attacks)

    Toxic Ooze: When a zombie is struck, it splatters toxic ooze in a small radius. Characters within this radius must make a saving throw or suffer poison damage. (DC 15)

    Swamp Quicksand: The swampy ground is treacherous. Characters must pass agility checks to move, or risk getting stuck, which reduces their speed and makes them vulnerable to attacks. (DC 15 Reflex halves penalty, -10 Movement,

    Eerie Illumination: The unnatural glow of the zombies can cause hallucinations. Characters must pass a sanity check or see false images, potentially attacking allies or empty space. (DC 15 Will negates, Stunned for 1 round)

    The Crater Cliffside

    Ice Land
    Having narrowly survived the eerie encounter with the glowing zombies, your party presses on, leaving the swampy valley behind. The landscape gradually rises, leading you to the foothills at the base of a daunting cliffside. These cliffs form a natural barrier around an immense crater, their jagged faces looming ominously overhead.   The cliffs are a tapestry of treacherous terrain and unstable surfaces. Massive boulders and sharp, protruding rocks present a foreboding challenge. The stone is weathered and craggy, offering some handholds but also the threat of loose rocks. Moss and lichen cover parts of the cliff, making certain sections slick and perilous to grip. Occasional gusts of wind whip through the area, adding an element of unpredictability to the ascent.


    Slick Surfaces: Areas covered in moss or wet from recent rains are slick. Climbers must pass agility checks to navigate these sections without slipping.(Climb DC 15)

    Strong Gusts of Wind: Sudden wind gusts can unbalance climbers. Strength or dexterity checks are needed to maintain grip and avoid being blown off course or off the cliff. (Fortitude DC 20)

    The Cave Entrance

    Warcraft + The Horde
    Upon reaching the summit of the cliff, your party finds themselves on a narrow ledge, facing the gaping mouth of a large cave. The entrance, however, is not unguarded. Standing before it are six guards, clad in the same eerie diver suits as the zombies you encountered in the valley. Their suits are less decayed, hinting at a more formidable prowess than their undead counterparts.   Commanding this group is a hulking metallic construct, an amalgamation of rusted iron and tarnished brass. It holds a lantern emitting a ghostly green light in one hand, casting unsettling shadows across the rocky terrain. In its other hand, it wields a massive anchor, connected to a thick chain that clanks ominously with each of its movements. The construct exudes an aura of menace and authority, its mechanical eyes glowing with the same eerie light as the lantern.   As your party prepares for confrontation, the guards spring into action, moving with surprising agility despite the bulkiness of their suits.


    Green Lantern's Disorienting Light: The lantern's light can disorient and momentarily blind attackers, causing a temporary decrease in accuracy and reaction time for those caught in its glow.

    Metallic Construct's Heavy Stomp: The construct's heavy steps can cause the ground to tremble. Characters must pass balance checks to avoid being knocked off their feet.

    Guard's Synchronized Attacks: The guards, trained to work as a unit, perform synchronized attacks. This requires the party to coordinate their defense and find openings in their coordinated assault.

    The Cave

    You step over the threshold of the cave, leaving the grisly scene of the battle behind. Inside, the cave's interior is draped in darkness, broken only by the bioluminescent fungus that cast an eerie glow. The cave's floor is littered with the detritus of past intruders or victims: broken wooden boxes, tattered remnants of clothes, bones of small animals, and rusted farmer tools. These items, discarded and forgotten, hint at a history of plunder and abandonment.   As you delve deeper, the air grows noticeably colder. The cave's walls, initially damp and slick with moisture, begin to sport formations of ice, sparkling faintly in the fungus light. The temperature drop is gradual but unrelenting, suggesting an almost unnatural source for the chill.


    Crystalized Fungus: Some of the bioluminescent fungus has become crystalized, creating sharp and brittle obstacles. Breaking them can cause noise, potentially alerting denizens of the cave.

    Ice Spikes: Some icicles have formed into sharp spikes on the cave ceiling. Sound can trigger them to break off and fall on the heads of the adventurers (Reflect DC 18, 2d6 damage

    The Cove

    Your reach the deepest recesses of the icy cave, where you stumble upon a sight that defies expectation: a hidden pirate cove, ingeniously built into the cavern's end. The large, cavernous room is bustling with activity. Pirates, clad in the now-familiar brass diver suits, are busily sorting through heaps of various loot. They move with purpose, transferring the sorted items through the large double doors at the far end of the storage room.   In one corner of the cove, a group of forlorn slaves is confined within cages, their expressions a mix of fear and resignation. Overseeing their movement is a large hulking robot, identical to the one encountered at the cave's entrance.


    Robot's Steam Blast: The hulking robot is equipped with a steam-powered mechanism. It can release blasts of scalding steam in a radius around it, forcing characters to dodge or take heat damage. The steam can also temporarily obscure vision, adding a layer of complexity to the fight.

    Caged Allies: The slaves in cages can become unexpected allies if freed. However, liberating them during combat poses a challenge. Characters must balance fighting with attempting lock-picking or breaking the cages, potentially turning the tide of battle with additional support.

    The five Ulfen shield maidens, captured as slaves, are a formidable presence. Tall and muscular, they exude the strength and resilience characteristic of their Viking-like heritage. Their hair, in shades from blonde to auburn, is tied back in practical braids. Despite their captivity, their eyes shine with defiance and unyielding spirit.   These warrior women bear the marks of combat training, evident in their muscular arms and dignified posture. Their faces, though marred by dirt and exhaustion, retain a striking beauty and a sharp, resilient look. Confined in cages, they remain alert and ready,


    The Grotto

      You find yourself stepping into an extraordinary scene as you cross the gate. Before you lies a lake cradled within the crater, and above it, a pirate sailing ship floats eerily a few meters off the ground. Its dark sails billow silently, casting imposing shadows over the area. A wooden plank, bridging the gap between the ship's cargo hold and the ground, bustles with pirates transporting loot.   Your eyes are drawn to a commanding presence overseeing the operation. A tall, lean woman in a unique armor stands out distinctly. Her armor, a fusion of brown metallic plates and leather, is both elegant and daunting. Strikingly, it is adorned with weird, antler-like horns, adding an otherworldly touch to her formidable appearance. In her hands, she wields an intricately designed metallic staff, radiating a sense of hidden power.   As she notices your arrival, her expression swiftly shifts from concentration to surprise. Regaining her composure, she commands the pirates in a voice that resonates with authority and control. The crew, responding instantly to her call, halt their work and turn to face you, weapons at the ready.


  • Vixen (the leader)
  • x10 Pirates
  • x2 Robots
  • After 4 rounds, Sand d'Clause and Comet join the battle

    As the battle intensifies, the situation takes an unexpected turn. Joining the fray are two new adversaries, adding to the already chaotic scene. The first to appear is a woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to Vixen, the antlered warrior you're already facing. Like Vixen, Comet is adorned with armor that features its own unique, antler-like protrusions, symbolizing another of Santa Claus's reindeer.   The most striking arrival, however, is that of the pirate captain, Sand du Clausse the pirate lord's a burly man, his once-jolly demeanor turned sardonic. He wears a tattered red coat, frayed at the edges and stained with the signs of many battles. His beard, once white as snow, is now unkempt and tinged with grey, his eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and malice. He adorns a red armor studded with brass and gold at its edges and holds in his hands a orange glowing lantern and a book.   On his head sits a hat that once might have been a Santa hat but is now reshaped into a pirate's tricorn, adorned with symbols that parody the festive origins of his namesake. Around his waist, a wide belt holds an array of weapons, from cutlasses to pistols, each with its own twisted festive decoration.

    Important NPCs

  • Jarvi "Jiang Lei" Baersnug
  • Music Guide

    Session Introduction
    Christmas Tide
  • Carol of the Bells Pan Rocks
  • Deck the Halls - Epic Version
  • Carol of the Hells
  • Travel
  • Carol of the Bells - Epic Version
  • Night before Christmas
  • Carol of the Bells James Dool
  • Carols of Mandalorian
  • Carol of the Fates
  • Carol of the Bells (Dark Piano Version)
  • Carol of the Bells Joker's Version
  • Imperial Bells
  • Final Battle End
  • Carol of Davy Jones
  • The Grotto
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Launching the Ship
  • The Launch
  • Session closing
  • Ode to Joy
  • Social
  • Taverns
  • Dance with the Dragons
  • Silent Night

  • Other Playlists


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