
Aebliss, ildrys, Mirarae, Duskflower, Hyacinth Candle, Lady of the Three Balances, Moon Witch, Night Elf, Night-Eye, Ocean Bridle, Queen of the Night Sky or Hecate.


Aebliss, The First World and the shattered soul


Ildrys in the Time of the first Elves

  In the mystical realms where magic weaves through the very fabric of reality, there dwelled Ildrys, a maiden of ethereal grace and enigmatic origin. From her earliest days, a twist of arcane fate had intertwined her very essence with the celestial powers of a deity. This divine infusion shrouded her life in mystery and awe, elevating her to the status of a living goddess among the elven kin.
  Her existence, a harmonious blend of mortal fragility and divine splendor, became a beacon of reverence within the elven domains. The elves, with their ageless wisdom and deep connection to the mystical forces, saw in Ildrys a symbol of their highest ideals and aspirations. She was more than a person; she was an embodiment of the divine grace that coursed through their ancient forests.
  However, destiny, ever whimsical and unfathomable, charted a course for Ildrys that would forever alter the tapestry of her life and the fate of nations. It was during a delicate ballet of diplomacy with a neighboring dwarven nation that the threads of her story entwined with Alduin, the valiant firstborn son of the Dwarven King. Alduin, a figure of strength and honor, carved from the stoic resilience of his people, was unlike any Ildrys had ever encountered. In his eyes, she saw not only the depth of the mountains from whence he came but also a kindred spirit, a soul as complex and profound as her own.
  Their love, a forbidden symphony of contrasting worlds, blossomed in secret. It was a love that transcended the ancient enmities and prejudices that had long divided their peoples. Ildrys, driven by a passion as fierce as the magic within her, chose to follow her heart, forsaking the golden thrones and sacred groves of her elven heritage.
  This act of defiance shattered the delicate balance within the elven court. Betrayal festered in the hearts of those who once adored her. The very same who had worshipped her as a goddess now scorned her as a pariah. Dark plots wove through the shadowed halls, culminating in a sinister attempt on her life. The assassination, a treacherous and near-fatal strike, succeeded only in part, casting Ildrys out from the ethereal realm she once called home.
  The repercussions of this betrayal were cataclysmic. A schism tore through elven society, a rift so profound that it echoed through their history for centuries to come. Whispers in the annals of time suggest that this event, the fall of their living goddess and the love that led to it, was the harbinger of the Elven Empire's ultimate demise. In this tumultuous chapter of history, Ildrys and Alduin's love became a legend, a poignant testament to the power of the heart over the machinations of empires and the fickle nature of fate.

Ildrys, a young girl, was infused with the power of a deity under unknown circumstances early in her life. This event led to her being revered as a living goddess among the elves. During diplomatic negotiations with a dwarven nation adjacent to the Elven Empire, she encountered and developed a romantic relationship with Alduin, the eldest son of the Dwarven King. Her decision to pursue this relationship resulted in estrangement from the elven court. Some members of the court went to the extent of attempting to assassinate her. While their attempt was only partially successful, it effectively led to her exile from the realm she inhabited.

This incident created a significant rift within elven society. According to various historical texts, this event greatly contributed to the decline of the Elven Empire, marking a pivotal moment in its history.


In Osirion

The changeable Mirarae is a goddess whose worship is in serious decline. In the days of Ancient Osirion, she was hailed as the sister of Sarenrae, the queen of the night sky. She was a patron of sailors due to the moon's influence on the tide; she was beloved of Witches, who so often held their coven meetings at night and bathed in her magical light; but she was also a strong champion of balance, which often took the form of redress and retribution. Any creatures that dwelled mostly in the hours of the night, be they good or evil, were favoured by her.


Associated Alignments
Holy Symbol
The Emerald Tear, The Red Crow


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