The True Name of Chaos Item in On the Road Again | World Anvil

The True Name of Chaos

"Holding it, you can almost hear the whispers. A Namer must stay vigilant when a name has the power to control you. I have not yet seen the Harbinger, but I know they are waiting for their name to strike and return to them."  
~Namer Piusz, reflecting on the True Name of Chaos
When the Harbinger of Chaos' True Name was discovered, it was known to be dangerous in any hands. Yet they could not leave it to anywhere, for fear that the chaotic elements would return it to the Harbinger. With the knowledge that it would have to be safeguarded throughout the centuries, the Namers of the Sydin family bound Chaos' True Name to glass and have continued to watch over the Harbinger's bound soul for centuries.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Namer magic is hard for those outside the profession to understand in itself, but the ability to tie a name to a different object is beyond even most Namers. All that is known is that the magic does not fade, able to feed upon itself and the name within to keep the name imprisoned.


The binding of the Harbinger is what has allowed the conflict of Geville to only come from its inhabitants, rather than an outsider with no true goal. As long as it is trapped within its pendant, the Harbinger is toothless (though apparently has a sharp enough tongue).
Item type
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Owning Organization
The tools necessary to capture a true name are rare in themselves, but one which holds the Harbinger of Chaos' name? Not only is it the only one in the world, but it is thought to be the only one in any world.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Not much is known about the magics involved, but the material of the object which holds Chaos' name is. In an oblong glass, held by copper wire. It is unknown if this was a start of a piece of jewelry before becoming what it is, or if the physical piece of this was put together specifically with this purpose in mind.