Don't Wash Us Out, Heyo Tradition / Ritual in On the Road Again | World Anvil

Don't Wash Us Out, Heyo

In the rainforests and swamps at the eastern coasts of Azni-alay, live ctod at odds from their western counterparts. Developed from a split nearly a thousand years passed, the ctod of Azni-alay have ritualized the coming of monsoon season in preparation for the flooding which almost always occurs. As tides and water are associated with their lunar deities, the ctod show their appreciation by shunning the day and staying up all night while soaking in their already adequate amount of water.


When the first ctod fled their homeland, not all of them migrated westward. Those who braved the hot and cold deserts of Venztor eventually settled in the wetlands of Azni-alay, in a place accepting of their kind.   Despite finding a place on land with enough moisture to keep them comfortable, the ctod were not prepared for the drastic changes in the weather and the monsoon season. Where the forests and swamps almost always had rain, the summer was filled with a never ending downpour which matched some of the highest tides at the coast. Because of this, the eastern ctod came to fear water as much as they required it. They then pleaded to their gods, hoping either Sielar or Mielar would take mercy on them. They would gather together and make offerings to the deities, in hope that this time the rains would not wash them all away in their new home.   Now the ctod no longer desire divine intervention. Invention of the bhungroo wells and eastern spa culture has funneled and repurposed excess water into a luxury experience for the ctod and any other species who might appreciate a water-based health experience. Yet those preparations live on in tradition that the ctod follow every year at the beginning of the season.


The day of the ritual is absolutely silent. No one speaks and it is greatly frowned upon for visitors and tourists to break this rule. People find their way to spend the entire day in direct sunlight, drying themselves out in a rather uncomfortable way. At night, the silence ends and the people submerge themselves in water in the view of the moons before the monsoon clouds cover them. This originates from the previous belief that their lunar deities were actually paying attention and would be looking down at that time, seeing that the ctod had definitely enough water where they were and didn't require any more thank you very much.   The submersion can occur at any water source, whether swamp, spa, ocean or river. The only necessity is that they remain in the water until the sun comes up. As such, the night turns into community discussions or large public camping events.


While this ritual was created by the ctod for the ctod, they are not against other species joining them. In fact, when it comes to the silence the day of, they insist everyone in their communities (no matter what the reason for them being there) remain silent throughout the day, even if they do not join in the dehydration and hydration processes.


The monsoon season typically starts halfway through the end of Second, though occasionally can delay until Third. Preparations are usually in place in the first couple weeks of Second, waiting for the moment the monsoon clouds appear.
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