PD 01967 [The domain of fragments] Geographic Location in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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PD 01967 [The domain of fragments]

Agent O'Connell proceeded slowly, taking calculated steps. the padded lining of his shoes served him well, enabling him to walk approximately 3km into the dimension. The view was breathtaking and nauseating at the same time. In this place, no colour remained the same for long, and vast spires of glassy crystal loomed over like the corpses of ancient gods.   three whole days past, as O'Connell continued 150km further into the realm. He possessed about 2 more weeks of rations, and a bag of holding filled with clean water. Thus he took his time, meditating every so often to alleviate the nausea caused by the shifting colours. This realm 'wan't right'; the only constant here was the geography itself, that seemed to stretch almost infinitely.   Another day and a half later, O'Connell discovered a building, formed naturally from the fragmented crystal. It appeared architecturally similar to a cathedral, but bumpy and with several jutting spears of crystal. Venturing within; O'connel quickly resisted the urge to vomit. The colour changing was more erratic than usual here, and a feeling of immense magical power seemed to emanate from somewhere (far m ore powerful than the natural atmospheric arcane charge).   A thorough search lead to the discovery of the source; a perfectly spherical orb, that appeared to be every colour simultaneously. O'Connell's mind broke from the sheer awe and incomprehensible beauty of the orb. He desperately clutched the orb. thankfully, it seemed far more stable that the world it was contained by. O'Connell could not bring himself to take the orb outside of the cathedral, and was strangely compelled to return it to it's original resting place.   Upon his return; he documented his exploration of the world as best he could; before madness consumed him. He was found in his home three months later. The results of his post mortem concluded that he had taken his own life; by way of lacerating his entire body with a fragment similar to the crystals found in PD 01967


It is comprised of a rocky, uneven geology comprised entirely of crystals identical in nature to cataclysm fragments. some formations are smooth, others jagged like needles. The entire ground changes colour, mass, and temperature with no coherence or pattern, but the sky remains an inky infinite black. No discernible light emanates from anywhere, and yet visibility is not impaired. as yet, a singly naturally occurring building reminiscent of a cathedral has been discovered.

Fauna & Flora

No life forms have as yet been discovered, but the possibility has not been ruled out.

Natural Resources

The only resource is the ground itself, comprised as it is of cataclysm fragments. however a method of safely mining them in their massive state has not yet been discovered.
Alternative Name(s)
The Unstable domain, The land of swirling colour, Cataclysm origin point Alpha.
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Contested By
Inhabiting Species
Related Materials

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