Organisation XIII Organization in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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Organisation XIII

KH, made by Squex and disney.
A mysterious group dressed in black hooded cloaks, that Simply watches over The Realm of Old Zenithas, sometimes acting for some unknown agenda.


The heirarchy is unknown, as no two members of the organisation have been seen at the same time. Legend tells of a powerful leader however; one that can bend reality to their will. it is also rumoured that the lower the number, the higher position that member has.

Public Agenda

It is yet unknown what the organisation's Goal is, though the general consensus is grim.


The organisation seems to Posses magical weapons of extraordinary power, but nothing else has ever been seen. their base is likely not within this dimension either. each member however wears the unique black cloak, which seems impervious to fire and acid, amongst other things.


The organisation Only began to appear in the Days before the cataclysm, and have barely been seen or communicated with at all.

To find is to lose, to lose is to find.

Secret, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
Org thirteen, The organisation.
Organisation Member
Controlled Territories

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