Tamashī no sōsa 魂の操作 Spell in Old Canon | World Anvil

Tamashī no sōsa 魂の操作


Users can create shape and manipulate the soul, the incorporeal and immortal essence of a living thing, souls are usually most obviously present in sentient beings. At some level all biological organisms have souls, and even non-biological entities (such as rivers and mountains) possess something that is analogous to a soul. Most users have to learn to control their own soul first and expand from there, some may be able to learn how to tap into the essence of everything living.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Cannot affect soulless beings as they have no soul to manipulate.
  • May be dangerous/ineffective if the target's soul is stronger than that of the user.


This power was given to Shinzo, the first member of House Drake, and the top General of Lucifer, an Emperor of Hell back when Yomi & Nirvana first went to war with each other. Shinzo was the favored general of Lucifer and was given this unique ability for the role he played in the war; Shinzo was tasked with manipulating the Souls of fallen Angels to increase their numbers & gather intel from the enemy. He was the only Oni capable of mastering this power.   However, near the end of the war, Shinzo's wife, Sakurai, had learned of Lucifer's true plans concerning the Oni race and all of Demonkind. She and Shinzo took actions to ensure their species would survive and betrayed Lucifer, which significantly weakened Yomi and would eventually lead to them being forced to surrender to Nirvana. Despite having saved all of Demonkind, the Drakes were ostracized and banished from Yomi, never to return.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Related Organizations
Gestures & Ritual
Tamashī no sōsa is a Conditional Nōryoku 能力, meaning it can only be used if a certain parameter has been met. In order to manipulate the Soul of another, the user must make a Pact with the victim, this can be a verbal Pact or a type of signed agreement but both parties must agree to certain terms. This is difficult but this condition is largely kept a secret, tricking most victims into making deals is extremely easy when they are not aware they shouldn't. However if they are aware but still consent, they can place certain limitations on what can happen to their souls.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS