Sōbizel P. Summers Character in Old Canon | World Anvil

Sōbizel P. Summers (Soo-Beh-zil)

Created by K. Crawford

Dr. Summers Pandora - Perselline

Physical Description

Body Features

Sōbizel is a Cipher and as such has many arguments to her body, namely her bionic eyes to process information better and bio-organic metal pads on her hands to allow her to hack Scio-Magical Systems.


On one of her adventures with the Starside Outriders, Sōbizel died as a combination of her sickness and a fatal wound killing her. Although her body was 'killed' her mind was stored in her Zetacron whilst her soul lingered in limbo. The Outriders would later travel to the realm of the Sobek where they convinced the advanced Sobekian Engineers to create a clone of Sōbizel's body and implanted her Zetacron back into it, effectively reviving her.

Special abilities

Sōbizel's Cipher abilities combined with her mastery of Divination make her a walking 'early warning system' for her team, almost precognitive in nature.

Specialized Equipment

Righty is a shoulder-mounted robotic arm that can be fitted to hold a number of small firearms, controlled via a neural link to her Zetacron. It is connected to a small pack on her back that provides it with sufficient power and a few different tools for a number of jobs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Girl Who Dreams of Tomorrow
SummerTime Labs Inc. is an immensely successful and powerful organization within the Commonwealth, headed by Dr. Harrison Summers, a genius by all means, if not a little lame and boring. In his youth, he found great success with his company and soon found he no longer has the drive to innovate or improve any of his family's IPs, instead just maintaining their assets and collecting the revenue. Until he met the love of his life.
Her name was Miranda Pandora, a stage name she gave to herself, she was an explorer and adventurer employed by the Atlus Union. On one of her bad missions, she found herself stranded on Venus, the Seat of Power for the Summers Family. Harrison was enamored with her, she was new and exciting, she made his heart pump, be that from fear or affection. This newfound love for this woman relit his flame for innovation and he produced many new IPs that found a client base for explorers and adventurers. 
Miranda was aware of Harrison's feelings but was hesitant to return them, fearing an attachment she could not maintain. She was a free spirit who roamed from place to place on her trusty starship and Harrison was sweet but he had a large galactic cooperation and responsibilities. She didn't want to be tied down. Harrison respected her wish and kept his distance, falling back into his old depressive slum, with only his treasured memories of Miranda to keep him going. 
One night Harrison was woken up in the middle of the night to learn that Miranda was on an expedition to Sin'Karr but had not checked in for some weeks. Fearing the worst, Harrison personally prepared an extraction effort and immediately left to save her. He too was thought to have been killed but later returned with an injured and sick Miranda four months later. Miranda had been poisoned by Sin'Karrian Toxicon, which are some of the most deadly known to exist. But in his lab on Venus, Harrison was able to treat Miranda.
Miranda stayed with Harrison for a few months as she recovered and their affection bloomed into a passionate relationship. And from this union came their daughter, whom Miranda insisted take the surname Summers and not Pandora. And thus, Sōbizel P. Summers was born. Miranda would routinely leave Venus for her trips for long periods of time but always made sure to bring home a souvenir for her daughter. Harrison looked after Sōbizel all the time, teaching her all he knew and for the first time in a very long time, Harrison was truly happy with his family.
Soon, Miranda's condition worsened as her poisoning returned with far greater effects, cellular deterioration. Soon she was bedridden and not before long, she would pass away. Harrison handled this with courage but his curiosity prompted him to look into his daughter's genetics and he found similar cellular deterioration. Her body was already showing signs of the sickness, he concluded it must have been a side effect of conceiving a child while Miranda was still recovering the first time. This broke Harrison, he just lost his wife he could not lose his precious daughter.
Harrison humbled himself and asked his rival, St. Clair for aid but even they could not fabricate a cue. he developed a formula that would counteract the effects of the sickness, breathing new life into Sōbizel's cells. However, this was a temporary solution and would not work forever. Harrison worked himself into the ground trying to develop a cure, he stopped sleeping and eating, supplementing his body with formulas to keep him productive while he worked effortlessly to save his daughter's life.
While Harrison worked he began to neglect his fatherly duties passing it off onto his employees to keep their eye on Sōbizel, make sure Sōbizel takes her medicine at the required times, monitor Sōbizel's vitals, and so on. She began to feel alieniated and isolated, only seeing her father when he wanted to run a test or give her new treatment. This led to Sōbizel attempting to escape many times and causing many problems within the facility in an effort to get her father's attention. However, this only made he more strict, confining her to spaces only within the lab and under 24/7 watch.
Sōbizel came to hate her life and longed to leave Venus, inheriting her mother's search for adventure. Her prayers were answered when Balthazar Skyburner II and his brothers came to Venus and freed her from her captivity, convincing Harrison a short life of joy is better than a long life of agony.


Sōbizel was educated by her father in her early years. She, like all members of the Summers family, is naturally curious and superintelligent thanks to the manipulation of their family genes at birth. Later in her life she would spend much of her time in her father's study, learning from his old notes and research, and improving upon them where she could.

Mental Trauma

Sōbizel was left alone a lot as a kid by her father as he worked on a cure for her, despite always being watched by guards and staff. She hated it as it gave her a sense of crowed-isolation like she was always being watched by people just out of her reach. As a result, she can come across as very energetic and involved with no real sense of this foreign idea called 'personal space'. She also hates to be alone or in quiet spaces and really hates being alone in quiet spaces which can lead to extreme stress. Additionally, she never really cleans up or keeps her personal quarters clean. Some of her most isolated memories were spent in clean and crisp labs or facilities and being messy is sort of like her revenge, regardless of how inconvenient it is for everyone else.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sōbizel is always thinking, often rambling to herself when she works but struggling to properly articulate her ideas to others. Despite her immense intelligence, Sōbizel often finds the most barbaric way to be the best solution. Where many members of the Summers family would go around or over or even under a wall, Sōbizel is likely to go through it in a flashy and dramatic fashion. This is not to say Sōbizel cannot be clever or cunning, but, as she loves to say, why reinvent the wheel?

Personality Characteristics


Sōbizel left her home in search of adventure and glory, burdened with a deadly sickness, she sought to fill her short life with as much excitement and wonders as she could. She was intellectually curious like her father and had her mother's ambition and desire for freedom when combined this made Sōbizel one unique person.


Family Ties

  • Harrison Summers (Father) / (Overprotective) 
  • Miranda Pandora (Mother) / (Deceased) 
  • Dialla Perselline (Wife) / (Ambitious)
  • Jasun P. Summers (Son) / (Wily)

Wealth & Financial state

Sōbizel inherited SummerTime Labs Inc., her family's company which in turn made her extremely wealthy, one of the wealthiest people in the galaxy. 

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Absolute Goddess of Alchemy & Science (self-proclaimed)
  • Doctor
  • Ph.D
  • Lady Summers of the Starside Outriders
SummerTime Labs, Facility 3.502.ECHO, planet Venus, the Origin System
She/ Her
A Most Curious Green
Wild & midnight/ sea-foam blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bronze / Cream
125 Lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Don't touch that, you don't know what it does"
  • "Honestly it's more of a working theory than a, as you say, 'working cloaking device', but semantics, fire away!"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Sobizel is not fluent in any other Alien Tounges, instead always preferring to use her own hand-made Translator, always finding more ways to improve upon its design when she samples another Alien Language, either written or spoken.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS