Lighting Tome Spell in Old Canon | World Anvil

Lighting Tome

Created by Khali Crawford | Power Article found on the Electricity Manipulation on the Superpower Wiki


The user can create, shape, and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), allowing control over electric fields, all charge carriers (Ions, Electrons, Protons, and Positrons), and electronics. One could eventually grow to manipulate the weather and create thunderstorms. Lighting Release naturally speeds up all the bodily functions of a person, allowing them to heal faster but also to regain spent magical energy at half the time it takes normal people, proving to be a massive benefit to users.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Distance, force, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user and their power's natural limits.
  • Electricity needs a conductor like metal or water to move through, therefore electricity can neither exist in nor move through a vacuum (such as outer space) and maybe insulated by non-conductive matter, such as air and rubber.
  • Electricity may be redirected by certain materials.
  • A strong enough magnetic force/source may be beneficial or a hindrance.
  • May be limited only to the path of least resistance.
  • May become useless if confronted with electrical resistant material, such as rubber, silicate, etc. although a strong enough electrical change can overload any insulator and force it to become conductive.
  • May have problems using electronics.
  • Maybe short-circuited under certain conditions:
  • Contact with water, a magnet, the opposite polarity, etc.
  • Absence/lack of electrical resistance between the positive and negative polarities.
  • Weak against Electricity Negation.


When in use, the LET manifest as lighting emitting from the user making their hair stand up on end, and triggers an ocular change in their eyes singling that they are now actively using the Tome. When released from the body, the lighting will be blue-ish in appearance, branching out from the body to reach more conductors.


All Elemental Tomes are noting more than just the raw essence of their respective element, leftover from when creation was first cast in the mold. It is the raw unfiltered power of that element.


The LET has been in the Miyazaki Bloodline for well over two thousand years. This is important as the longer a LET remains within a certain bloodline the more powerful its members become with it and the more defined its abilities become. Because House Miyazaki holds such a powerful Tome they have maintained a tight grip on planet Earth, yet they only control Earth because of the LET. They are inseparable and as such the Lighting Eyes have become their Clan seal.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Related Organizations
Material Components
The LET works especially well when channeled through materials that are excellent at conducting electricity and likewise can have its effects diminished by materials that insulate electricity.
Gestures & Ritual

Arashi no 10-bai no Dansu 嵐の10倍のダンス

These are the 10 LET limited spells that all users of this Tome are capable of performing, dubbed the 'Tenfold Dance of Storms'
  • Fold 01 -- Sandākēji サンダーケージ or "Thunder Cage" uses Magical Energy, M.E., to localize the LET in a small condensed area, bombarding it with thunder and huge shockwaves.
  • Fold 02 -- Shōmei Taihō 照明大砲 or "Lighting Cannon" condenses M.E. fused with lighting in one's hand or mouth and fires it as a concentrated beam of destructive energy.
  • Fold 03 -- Denki Ransu 電気ランス or "Electric Lance" targets a single location or entity and summons multiple 12-meter tall poles made from pure electricity which expel large bursts of electricity if disturbed.
  • Fold 04 -- Arashi no Guriddo 嵐のグリッド or "Grid of Storms" compounds off of Fold 03 and allows the user to instantly teleport themselves or a teammate to or from the lances with high precision. 
  • Fold 05 -- Shōmei no Tate 照明の盾 or "Shield of Lighting" generates a second layer of skin on top of the user's humming with electric energy that can repel or stop most projectiles as well as provide some defense against other spells.
  • Fold 06 -- Yōso no Uchiwake 要素の内訳 or "Breakdown of Elements" allows one to separate elements back into their original state using electrolysis
  • Fold 07 -- Denki Pōtaru 電気ポータル or "Electric Portal" allows the user to generate a magic portal connecting them and a prior location they have already marked not exceeding their max distance (varying for each user).
  • Fold 08 -- Denryoku Hakai 電力破壊 or "Power Destruction" lets the user temporarily siphon all the power from any structure with 100% effectiveness at a varying speed depending on its size and their own Magical Energy.
  • Fold 09 -- Shōmei Sokudo 照明速度 or "Lighting Speed" lets the user augment their speed with the LET, able to move at incredible speeds. 
  • Fold 10 -- Sutōmukōrā no Ikari ストームコーラーの怒り or "Stormcaller's Wrath" summons a gigantic magical storm which allows the user to manipulate every single weather system within its radius, this is amplified if cast over a body of water, however, it completely siphons all of the users M.E.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS