Kaleidoscope Jethro Character in Old Canon | World Anvil

Kaleidoscope Jethro

"Loyalty is a Virtue, yes, but Blind Obedience is a hindrance. It clouds the mind and blinds one to truths that may already be apparent to others around them. Hold everyone, including your Masters, to a higher standard."

Created by Khali Crawford

The Last of the Great Canine Samurai (a.k.a. JET)

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Jethro is a short figure sporting an Asian Conical Hat on his head and his body largely remains hidden behind a great green cloak proudly representing his family's seal on his back.

Specialized Equipment

Good Boy

The Good Boy is a Katana once wielded by Jethro's mother, Sally, maintained and used by every notable member of the Kaleidoscope Clan who would serve in combat. The weapon itself is nothing special, perfectly average, sharp edge, conducts Magical Energy and it gets the job done. However, the Good Boy has a simple but powerful Enchantment; it can only be drawn if its Master is calm of body, mind, and soul.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Canine Samurai were a species of Magical Dog-like beings who were native to Earth and served as the best friends and companions to the great Samurai of the world, Man's best friend in blade and service. During this great peace is when the Kaleidoscope Clan was at its peak, they were the chosen Companions of the Ichinomiya Family, one of the great samurai of the era.    To their youngest daughter, Aira was a young and capable guard dog given; Kaleidoscope Jethro. He was young but the most skilled of his litter and took this responsibility with the utmost care. He and Aira grew to have a close bond, even as she began to turn away from her traditions and allied herself with the Future War Empire.   In time, Aira was confronted by her Sister-In-Swords, Tentō Nozomi, and an epic battle took place, one where Aira was slain. Jethro believed Nozomi to have betrayed them and rallied his fellow Canine Samurai against the Tentō Clan, a war which resulted in their utter and complete defeat. Any Canine who survived escaped, and Jethro bore the full responsibility for failing both his Master and Species. 


Jethro was trained by his mother, Kaleidoscope Sally, who had served the Ichinomiya Clan before he did. She was a master of the blade and one of the few Canine who could stand toe-to-paw with the greatest of the Human Samurai. This is because she had Mastered the One Sword Style, which was the most basic of sword styles but once taken to full mastery, it could penetrate any stance.


Jethro was originally the Guard Dog of Ichinomiya Aira and did so with great pleasure and honor until her final demise. After his people were driven from Earth he forced himself into a self-imposed exile on Bagoo-Dah, a swamp world where a local fishing town began to worship him as a swamp deity as he regularly defeated pirates and Imperials. This caught the attention of the United Stellar Commonwealth who came to recruit him. Jethro joined them and found a new purpose in protecting the weak and opposing the Empire, and in just 7 short years he soon found himself as a Lt. General, a rare and coveted position. 

Failures & Embarrassments

A guard dog is supposed to be blindly loyal and obedient to its Master, their purpose is not to question but to serve and provide companionship. The road of a Samurai is long and hard, they will need the company. But Jethro failed his Master, she was defeated by Nozomi and Jethro was powerless to stop her or save Aira, and this has forever been his biggest failure. Ever since then, he has sworn to never lose another fight, and Jethro has never broken his word, to this day.

Personality Characteristics


Jethro failed as a Guard Dog, he could not save his Master and brought nothing but shame upon his people and family name, he takes full responsibility but hopes by working with the Commonwealth, protecting the weak, and fighting the Empire he can one day redeem himself and be worthy of counting himself among his kin once again. Until that dawn comes to pass his fur, he will draw his katana until he no longer can.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lt. General
  • K-9 Samurai
Cool Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown Fur
112 Lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "You do not need to do this anymore, the battle is won, your allies are already defeated, lay down your weapons and surrender. There has already been far too much bloodshed today."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Jethro cannot speak many alien languages, but he, like all Canine, is an empathic being, he can sense and feel what others are truly saying, even without understanding their words.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS