Session 10 - The Corrupted Cove Report Report in Oerth | World Anvil

Session 10 - The Corrupted Cove Report

General Summary

Sunday 16 Patchwall

  As the party breaks their fast in the morning, Leeroy shares, "I never grew up concerned about gods and quite frankly I didn't think they existed. However, since joining this ensemble of ours, I've had near-death experiences. In fact, I've had too many life threatening events to ignore that something divine is watching over me."   Mina brightens while offering her assistance, "Leeroy, I'm so glad you are recognizing how Istus works within the world. I'd love to tell you more about her, but I also think it's more important to find the god that speaks through you. I've got an idea, let's head up to Temple of Procan and I'm sure Wellgar will have a library open to you."   After Mina and Leeroy head out, Karia stands muttering, "That gnome has more information and I'm going to get her to share," then heads out as well.   Kyra looks at Nar stating, "I've got a lead on selling our arcane items. I'll catch you later." and heads out as well.   Nar shrugs finishes her breakfast and then heads toward the docks. One of the deckhands recognizes Nar and points her toward Capt O'Donahue who's offloading fish from his vessel. They chat for a bit before Nar wanders onward.   Meanwhile, within the temple Wellgar and Mina are debating the styles of various dieties and how each provides inspiration a different way. Wellgar lends Leeroy a few theology books while stressing that these books are important to his library.   At the same time, Karia listens raptly while Copperback relates the few stories she knows of Karia's mother. However, Karia laments that--while the legends are grand--there are no details of how Karia's mother achieved the results.   Over at the Faithful Quartermasters of Iuz, Kyra knocks on the door and after awhile a pretty halfling answers the door. After discussing the reason for her visit, Kyra is escorted to a waiting room while Capt Xendros completes other business. A short time later, Xendros relates how she can help find buyers or acquire items that the party might need. Upon learning that Xendross sells magical items, she quickly scans the available inventory and negotiates for a pair of Winged Boots.   Shortly before noon, a city guard locates Karia in the Snapping Line and brusquely informs her that the Try-hard Misfits are to report to Capt Fireborn as soon as possible.   The party slowly regroups within the inn and Karia informs them of the captain's summons. Heading over the Sharkfin Bridge, the party locates Fireborn outside of a small house with several guards talking to the inhabitants.   "Where have you been?" barks Fireborn.   Leeroy tries to respond, but gets interrupted as Fireborn continues, "Never mind--tell me later. For now, I have a job that needs solving a week ago: several children from Saltmarsh have simply disappeared." Fireborn then relates that over the past week four children have disappeared after being placed in bed. Windows and doors are locked, but the child is missing and there are no witnesses. Answering the party, Fireborn let's them know that three kidnappings occurred on the penisula and one occurred north of Sharkin Bridge. There's been no sign of the children since, nor any ransom.   Searching the grounds of this most recent kidnapping, there's no sign of forced entry nor evidence of blood. However, Karia does notice several sets of footprints. Examining them closer, she determines that the bare feet seemed to have some webbing between the toes and they lead toward the Azure Sea.   The party follows the tracks weaving through the outskirts of Saltmarsh until they reach a rocky beach where the tracks fade into the water. However, Karia does notice that there is a reed choked with seaweed floating right where the footprints enter the water. With failing light and no direct trail, the party returns to the Snapping Line so they can start fresh in the morning.  

Moonday 17 Patchwall

    The party rises before sunrise and treks back down to the beach and begins to follow the shoreline looking for additional clues. Roughly midday, Karia begins to find more of the seaweed floating ashore. She's not convinced it's a clue, but she does recognize that she hasn't seen seaweed near Saltmarsh before. By mid-afternoon, the shoreline is strewn with seaweed and marshy reeds. Cresting a small rise, the party comes upon a small cove fouled with seaweed, reeds, and other detritus. The cove contains a smattering of large boulders strewn within it. Tilting almost ninety degrees against one of the rocks is a mid-size trading vessel, obviously wrecked and abandoned.   Leeroy wades into the water as Karia alerts the group that a strange chattering sound can be heard. Leeroy pauses as a giant crab scrambles over a nearby rock and charges him. The party engages with four of these giant crabs that don't last long, but do draw most of the party into the water. As Leeroy advances toward the stern of the ship, a merrow pops-up next to Leeroy stabbing at him with their harpoon. Karia darts across an open bit of water and scales the the exposed keel of the ship using her two short swords for support. Reaching the deck of the ship, she's attacked by another merrow who bites and stabs her, ripping open several wounds across her body. Kyra struggling for an angle uses her winged boots to fly upward while Nar climbs a boulder to gain line of sight. The party scrambles to join Karia as a vile ugly creature emerges from the hold attacking Karia. Karia's struggling as Leeory gains purchase and forces a merrow backward.   Nar shouts "You face the mighty Nar surrender now and perhaps you shall live!"   Pausing, the Sea Hag responds, "Nar? What's a nar?"   As Mina gains the edge of the deck, she parlays, "Will you repent in the name of Istus and depart these lands never to kill innocents again?". She then summons the energies of Istus and stretches out to touch the butt of the merrow causing it to crumble over dead.   "Are you letting me go?" queries the hag.   Karia holding herself upright through sheer will responds, "Answer the question hag!"   The hag laughs, "You aren't good eno.." as an arrow punctures through her heart and the response abruptly ends with a muffled gurgling.   Nar states calmly, "You should've feared the name Nar."   Searching the hold, the party finds pieces to all four children sacrificed in some barbaric ritual. Mina reverently gathers the skulls muttering sadly, "At least we can provide closure for their families."

Rewards Granted

500 GP
Halberd that feels unnaturally light (halberd +1)


Missions/Quests Completed

Tracked footprints to shoreline
Found the corrupted cove
Destroyed the Sea Hag's lair
Monsters Faced: 
Giant Crab
Sea Hag
Secrets of the Saltmarsh
Report Date
18 Sep 2022