Bram Hafgan Character in Oerik - The Flanaess (Greyhawk CY598) | World Anvil
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Bram Hafgan

Bram Hafgan

As bold crusader for St Cuthbert, Bram believes destruction and strength are perfectly legitimate tools fit for the cause. This Dwarven Cleric is spilling the blood of his enemies from the front as much as he is healing his companions.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stocky, muscular, squat with above-average sized head

Facial Features

Darkbrown single pony braid Braided Beard and mustache

Apparel & Accessories

Dwarven Bandmail and High Heavy Hobnailed Boots Large Metal Shield with St. Cuthbert Symbol on left arm Mastercrafted Mithral Warhammer covered in dwarven runes of silver filigree, thick hide grip on the haft and a large Ruby set in the pommel (Whelm) in Right Hand

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Principle driven crusader of St. Cuthbert. Believes in the order provided by law (lawful) with a groups interest and continuity of organization being more important to a meaningful life rather  than the caprice of individuals' interests. He realizes that the interpretation of an event being good or evil is biased by personal perception and thus balancing the duality is the best way to accept the givens of life (neutral)

Personality Characteristics


Bold, religious, driven

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good appraisal skills especially jewelry Alchemist and broad knowledge of potions.

Likes & Dislikes

Jewelry and Alchemy

Virtues & Personality perks



Family Ties

Upper Middle Class heritage with merchant heritage.

Religious Views

Religious follower and Reverend of St. Cuthbert.

Social Aptitude



Bold and brash in action when the need arises, usually in combat or when a decisive act is needed to avoid a greater conflict.

Wealth & Financial state

All wealth was left with his family when he became an Acolyte. His family did provide a suit of armor upon his completion of religious studies. His current possessions and wealth he personally accumulated on adventures. He periodically makes donations when he crosses paths with Temples of St. Cuthbert.

As bold crusader for St Cuthbert, Bram believes destruction and strength are perfectly legitimate tools fit for the cause. This Dwarven Cleric is spilling the blood of his enemies from the front as much as he is healing his companions.

Current Location
Crystal mist Mountain
View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
1st of Coldeven CY528
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruddy Tan
4' 1"
141 lbs


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