The Swamp of the Forgotten Geographic Location in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil

The Swamp of the Forgotten

The unfortunate happening of some long lost battle that was never fought. Bones and strange relics have been left among the tepid pools to fester and rot. Far from a dignified burial, this area is teaming with an unfortunate air of grief and sadness.


A large open glade within the Blighted Woods, it is unsure whether the woods refuses to grow within this place, or if the swamp simply forbids it. Deep fetid pools span everything from the depth of an ankle to the height of several men. Though solid land does pockmark the area, most of the area is covered in loam and moss. This area, though more often than not still, the unearthly stillness is accentuated by the smell of putrescence that only comes from long dead and sunbaked flesh. Though the smell is a keen warning to those who happen upon the swamp, the foul pools of congealed fluid are even less inviting. The black ooze of these pits may seem like tepid water, though stepping into them will lead to a quick plunge into their depths.

Fauna & Flora

This area is home to a varied selection of mosses and peat. A few climbing vines and more vicious plant life thrive here on the rotted ichor that seems to permeate the ground here in thick pools. Though the plant life here is always welcoming for fresh nutrients, there is little in the way of needing to combat for sunlight.   Home to the Forgotten, their shambling bodies pull themselves up from the thick undergrowth of mosses and from the acrid pools that collect in the area. Though they do not require standard food or nutrients, the moisture provided by the pools of ichor does help to reinvigorate their unfortunate forms.


"Who in their right mind goes to the Swamp of the Forgotten on a lark? Ok, besides me. I could have sworn I got a letter from there once, I wonder how Richard is doing. Oh ya, do not go there!" -Carl Carelson

Wetland / Swamp
Location under
Inhabiting Species

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