Ruby Master Rank/Title in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil

Ruby Master

Masters within the Crystal Guild of New Angeles are accomplished and highly skilled jewelry artisans who have attained a level of mastery in their craft. They possess a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and experience, demonstrating exceptional skill in various jewelry-making techniques and disciplines. Masters have honed their artistic vision, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation in their designs. They are respected for their ability to create masterpieces with intricate details and exquisite craftsmanship. Masters also play a vital role in mentoring and guiding the next generation of artisans within the Crystal Guild, sharing their wisdom and inspiring continued excellence in jewelry-making.


To attain the prestigious rank of Master within the revered Crystal Guild of New Angeles, individuals must meet exceptionally high qualifications that solidify their status as true masters of their craft. Aspiring Masters have already achieved the rank of Journeyman and have spent a considerable amount of time refining their skills and expertise in their chosen specialization. They have not only mastered the fundamental techniques but have also demonstrated exceptional artistry, innovation, and a deep understanding of the nuances of jewelry-making. Masters must showcase a distinguished portfolio of their work, exemplifying their unique style, creativity, and ability to push the boundaries of design. They must have gained recognition and respect from their peers, guild members, and industry experts for their exceptional craftsmanship and contributions to the field. Additionally, Masters are expected to be leaders within the guild, offering guidance, mentorship, and sharing their knowledge and experiences with the next generation of jewelers. Becoming a Master within the Crystal Guild is the pinnacle of achievement, symbolizing the highest level of mastery, artistry, and leadership within the world of jewelry-making.


The elevation to the esteemed rank of Master within the Crystal Guild of New Angeles involves a process that includes the recommendation of Grandmasters and assessment by the Guildmaster, who holds the highest authority in the guild. As artisans progress in their journey and demonstrate exceptional skill, creativity, and leadership, Grandmasters, who are renowned experts in their respective specializations, closely observe their development.
  When a Grandmaster recognizes an artisan's proficiency with their craft, they may recommend them for promotion to the rank of Master. This recommendation is a testament to the artisan's exceptional talent, dedication, and contributions to the field of jewelry-making.   Following the recommendation, an assessment is conducted by the Guildmaster, who carefully evaluates the artisan's body of work, technical expertise, innovative thinking, and overall impact within the guild and the wider jewelry-making community. The Guildmaster reviews the artisan's portfolio, considers their accomplishments, and may conduct interviews or practical demonstrations to assess their capabilities.   Based on the assessment and the collective judgment of the Guildmaster, a decision is made regarding the promotion to the rank of Master. If the artisan demonstrates outstanding mastery, leadership qualities, and a significant influence on the craft, they are elevated to the rank of Master, solidifying their status as accomplished and respected artisans within the Crystal Guild.  


Masters within the Crystal Guild of New Angeles bear significant responsibilities as they have achieved a high level of mastery and expertise in their chosen specialization. Their primary responsibility is to exemplify the pinnacle of craftsmanship and uphold the guild's reputation for excellence. Masters create exceptional jewelry pieces, demonstrating their exceptional skill, artistic vision, and attention to detail. They serve as role models and mentors to Journeymen and apprentices, sharing their knowledge, techniques, and experiences to guide and inspire the next generation of jewelers.    Masters play a crucial role in preserving traditional craftsmanship while also pushing the boundaries of innovation in their field. They actively contribute to the guild's growth and development, participating in guild activities, exhibitions, and collaborations, and serving as ambassadors for the Crystal Guild. Masters also contribute to the advancement of the craft through research, experimentation, and the development of new techniques or designs. Their responsibilities extend beyond their own work, as they help shape the guild's direction, maintain its standards, and contribute to the overall success and reputation of the Crystal Guild as a renowned institution of jewelry-making excellence.


Becoming a Master within the Crystal Guild of New Angeles brings forth a range of significant benefits that mark the pinnacle of achievement in the field of jewelry-making. One of the key advantages is the recognition and respect that come with attaining this esteemed rank. Masters are regarded as experts and authorities in their specialized area, commanding a high level of professional reputation and admiration within the guild and the wider jewelry-making community.   A notable benefit of becoming a Master is the increased artistic autonomy and creative expression. Masters have honed their skills to a level of exceptional craftsmanship, allowing them to fully explore their artistic vision and push the boundaries of their chosen specialization. They have the freedom to create unique, innovative, and highly intricate jewelry pieces that showcase their mastery and creativity.   Furthermore, Masters often enjoy enhanced professional opportunities and financial rewards. Their reputation for excellence attracts prestigious clients, collectors, and industry professionals who value their expertise and seek their craftsmanship. This recognition allows Masters to command higher prices for their work and opens doors to lucrative commissions, collaborations, and exhibitions. The financial stability and success that come with being a Master enable them to invest in their craft, acquire specialized tools or materials, and further expand their skills and knowledge.   Becoming a Master also brings the opportunity to mentor and inspire the next generation of artisans. Masters play a crucial role in passing down their knowledge, techniques, and experiences to apprentices, Journeymen, and Novices, ensuring the preservation and continuation of the guild's traditions and standards. This mentorship role provides a deep sense of fulfillment and the chance to contribute to the future of the jewelry-making craft.   Overall, becoming a Master is a pinnacle achievement that offers recognition, artistic freedom, increased professional opportunities, and the chance to leave a lasting legacy within the Crystal Guild. It represents the culmination of years of dedicated practice, continuous learning, and a commitment to excellence in the art of jewelry-making.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Dress Code

Masters within the Crystal Guild of New Angeles adhere to a distinguished dress code that reflects their elevated status and upholds the guild's high standards of professionalism and excellence. For everyday/work attire, Masters are expected to maintain a clean and polished appearance, symbolizing their dedication to their craft and the guild's values. They often dress in fine tunics and robes made of high-quality materials, demonstrating their commitment to quality craftsmanship and attention to detail.   On formal occasions or guild gatherings, Masters adhere to a more formal dress code. They don robes, tunics, or dresses in deep purple, representing their status within the guild. This rich color signifies their expertise and leadership within the jewelry-making community. Additionally, Masters wear a white knotted belt that serves as a distinctive accessory. The belt is adorned with a dangled crystal for each rank they have attained within the guild, symbolizing their progression and accomplishment.   Masters may also wear jewelry as part of their attire, reflecting their appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship associated with the guild. These jewelry pieces may be personally created by the Masters themselves or acquired from fellow guild members. The jewelry serves as a testament to their skills and expertise in jewelry-making, further enhancing their overall appearance.


As a Master within the Crystal Guild of New Angeles, you would have access to a wide range of specialized equipment and tools that reflect your advanced skills and expertise in jewelry-making. Some of the equipment commonly available to Masters includes:
  • Advanced Jewelry Making Tools: Masters have access to an extensive collection of high-quality hand tools, including precision pliers, wire cutters, tweezers, and needle files. These tools allow for intricate and precise work, enabling the creation of detailed and refined jewelry pieces.
  • Advanced Bench Tools: Masters often have access to advanced bench tools, such as a professional jeweler's bench equipped with a variety of specialized tools. This may include a jeweler's bench pin, a mandrel, a bench vise, a ring clamp, and other sophisticated bench attachments. These tools provide enhanced stability, support, and versatility for complex jewelry-making tasks.
  • Advanced Soldering Equipment: Masters utilize advanced soldering equipment, including high-quality torches, precise temperature control devices, soldering pads or bricks, and fluxes specifically formulated for various metals. These tools allow for precise and controlled soldering techniques, ensuring strong and seamless joins between metal components.
  • Gemstone Setting Tools: Masters specializing in gemstone setting have access to a wide range of specialized setting tools. This may include prong pushers, bezel rollers, stone holders, gemstone setting burs, and advanced microscope or magnification systems for detailed stone setting work.
  • Engraving and Carving Tools: Masters interested in engraving or carving intricate designs on metal surfaces have access to a variety of high-quality engraving and carving tools. These may include gravers, burins, and carving chisels.
  • Advanced Polishing and Finishing Tools: Masters have access to advanced polishing and finishing tools, including high-quality polishing wheels, buffing compounds, abrasive papers, and compounds specifically formulated for achieving impeccable finishes on jewelry pieces.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Dismissal from the rank of Master within the Crystal Guild of New Angeles is a serious matter and occurs under specific grounds. There are certain circumstances that may lead to the dismissal of a Master. The grounds for dismissal typically include:  
  • Violation of Guild Ethics: If a Master engages in unethical practices, such as plagiarism, fraud, dishonesty, or any behavior that significantly compromises the integrity of the guild, it may lead to dismissal. The Crystal Guild upholds high standards of ethical conduct, and any violation of these standards can result in severe consequences.
  • Failure to Uphold Guild Principles: Masters are expected to exemplify the values, craftsmanship, and professionalism of the Crystal Guild. If a Master consistently fails to meet the guild's expectations, displays a decline in their skills, or fails to contribute positively to the guild community, it may lead to dismissal.
  • Breach of Guild Rules and Regulations: Disregarding or repeatedly violating the guild's rules and regulations, such as disregarding the guild's code of conduct, compromising the privacy or security of fellow guild members, or engaging in activities that are contradictory to the guild's principles, can result in dismissal.
  • Gross Misconduct: Committing acts of serious misconduct, such as physical altercations, harassment, or engaging in illegal activities, may lead to immediate dismissal from the rank of Master.
  The procedure for dismissal from the rank of Master typically involves a thorough investigation and disciplinary process conducted by the guild's governing body. This process may include gathering evidence, conducting interviews, and providing the accused Master with an opportunity to present their defense or explanation for their actions. The investigation ensures fairness and allows for a comprehensive examination of the circumstances before a final decision is made.   Upon completion of the investigation, if the allegations are substantiated and it is determined that the grounds for dismissal have been met, the guild's governing body will make a formal announcement and remove the Master from their position. The individual will lose the privileges, responsibilities, and status associated with being a Master within the Crystal Guild.   Dismissal from the rank of Master is a significant consequence, reflecting the guild's commitment to maintaining its ethical standards, professionalism, and reputation. The procedure ensures a fair and thorough assessment of the situation, allowing appropriate action to be taken in cases where misconduct or a breach of guild principles has occurred.
Wages: Resources 4
Rank: 4
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