Pika Species in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil


The Pika, a small mammal resembling a rodent, is characterized by its round body, short limbs, and distinctive rounded ears. It typically has gray or brown fur with a lighter underbelly. Despite its small size, the Pika is known for its remarkable agility and quick movements. Its diet consists mainly of grasses, herbs, and other vegetation, which it gathers and stores in preparation for the winter months. Pika are also known for their distinctive high-pitched vocalizations used for communication and territory marking.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Pika typically inhabits alpine and mountainous regions, where it can be found in rocky areas, talus slopes, and meadows. These habitats provide the Pika with suitable shelter and access to vegetation for food.

Additional Information


These small mammals are primarily wild animals that have not been bred or trained for domestic purposes by humans.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Humans do not typically use pikas for any specific purposes. They primarily contribute to their ecosystems by grazing on vegetation and serving as prey for various predators.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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