Jennyapples Species in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil


These misshapen, black-spotted apples hang on the low branches of a tall shrub. The apples, if eaten, cause a roiling, acidy stomach that confers –3 to all rolls made for the rest of the day… but trust me, everybody knows not to eat a Jennyapple. As soon as the skin is pierced (easy to do, it peels away like skin sloughing off a sore), it gives off the wretched odor of the Jennystone: the nauseating scent spreads in a five-yard diameter, potent enough to inflict a –1 dice pool penalty to anyone with a sense of smell unfortunate enough to be in that area. (Requires a dream to grow.)


These shrubs occur naturally within the Hedge, particularly around the Mire, where the soil is spongy with moss and dead things. The nauseating scent they give off keeps most of the local fauna away from the plant. The occasional hobgoblin may brave getting close to it but that is uncommon.

Growth & Cultivation

No one has every tried to cultivate or grow Jennyapples outside of the Hedge, or acquired them purposefully for their own domains within it.


Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Book: Rites of Spring 130


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