Ascension of Warriors Tradition / Ritual in Ocean of Myths | World Anvil
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Ascension of Warriors

Once a recruit ascends to the second rank, they become a true warrior, as their skill has been recognized and warranted a promotion. In nagataru culture, this is a huge leap in a person's life, worthy of a celebration. Not many survive long enough to attain this rank, not to mention becoming strong enough to warrant a promotion.


The ascending warrior celebrates with their family, wearing their new equipment and special celebratory pain that represents them and their family.
Because of this, the colors and design wildly depends from a family to family, but most common seems to be white facepaint. Other family members who are, or used to be warriors, tend to wear their equipment and paint as well. Res of the family tends to wear regular clothing.

Duel of humility:

Before, or even during the celebration, father or another family member of the ascending warrior challenges them to a friendly duel. This tradition is meant to show that even tho they are a true warrior now, they have a long way to go. If the ascending warrior wins the duel, they are considered to be above others and destined to becomes a great warrior or even a leader someday.

The celebration:

The celebration brings the whole family together. They talk about life, family and mainly what awaits the ascended warrior. It is an important bonding moment and a great time to teach the escended warrior what they will face further in life.
Some celebrations are simply the family sitting together under one roof, talking , eating and drinking. Others are more grand and involve full on partying.
In some places these celebrations are in public, where families join together for one big celebration. This is a great opportunity for families without anyone to duel the ascening warrior and an opportunity to learn from the best warriors out there.


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