Micah Everfrost Character in Occulta Mundos | World Anvil

Micah Everfrost (My-Kah Ever-Frawst)

Who is Micah Everfrost?

Lord Micah Everfrost (a.k.a. The Bartender , The Professor, *The Chemist, Right Hand of the Butcher, Lord Malefica of the Grove of the Birch)

Micah Everfrost was one of the recent Transportees to arrive on the Continent of Nishanoya. He arrived about 6 -7 months prior to the arrival of Cere Zin and Genaiyah Zin. Upon arrival, Micah emerged out of the fiery beams of light partially blind and surrounded by DEMONKIN by the brinks of the Nardoj River. Although he was temporarily blinded by the elements associated with the transport, he was able to defend himself against the group, incapacitating 5 demon-kin, sending them into a state of psychedelic euphoria. Nearby, the head of the Samara Coven Alliance, Queen Alba Dawn, witnessed the ordeal, approached him and offered him sanctuary and a chance join her and recover. It was a no brainer for him to join her, since she had no ill will.   At 12 years old, Micah's physique was well toned and resilient, coupled with his serious undertones and mature attitude the Queen took a strong liking to him. After recognizing his willingness to be battle tested, because of her curiosity, she had him spar with several beast-folk teenagers of the village. He uniquely came out on top in every situation. She offered to help him with curing his blindness, but he insisted that he would do it himself, he wanted to test and train himself while in this state. He felt that he can do things within his body that a normal 12 year old couldn't. Furthermore, he felt like he was limited because of it as well. Micah didn't know how or why he was transported from his previous world, he had little to no memories and he can physically feel that some sort of power or magic has made him younger than what he previously was. In addition, he noticed that he may have acquired an innate ability to sense and know the efficacy, uses, similarities, and properties of the herbs, plants, medicines, and elements in his immediate surroundings. He soon hones this skill and petitions the Queen to teach him the apothecary way. Soon after, The Queen makes him her direct vassal, fighting and protecting along side her Samara Assasins she adopts him and allows him to take on her family name known in Betulla Vallis. In addition, with her deep affiliation with one of the fouding familiies in the country of Tenomachi he takes on the name of Everfrost Family and was immediatley recognized as the direct heir apparent.

Mental characteristics


Current Status
On Mission to Find his long-lost Love and the secrets of his past
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
Everfrost Mansion
Dark Brown, Squinty
Long, Wavy Black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly Tanned Skin
5' 8' (1.73M)
140 lbs Well toned and fit
Follower of Semita De Artium
Aligned Organization


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