Voice of the Crown Spell in Oathbound | World Anvil
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Voice of the Crown


The will of the Royal Family has an undeniable power over all Elves, able to compel acts of obedience and fealty.

Side/Secondary Effects

The use of this ability leaves no doubt that the user is of royal blood. Only a rightful King or their descendants can use this ability.


Those affected by the Voice feel either a rush of warmth when commanded to act in a way they would agree with, as if finding the courage to act, or an involuntary tensing of muscles as they are forced to comply with an order they would have disobeyed.


Alreon granted this power to the Royal Family as a recognition of the new King's authority. It is theoretically possible to replicate the effect, nearly indistinguishably from the original, through arcane methods.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Related Organizations


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