The Tember Wilds Geographic Location in Oathbound | World Anvil
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The Tember Wilds


Resting in the rain shadow of the Windsong Mountains, most of the water that reaches this region comes from rivers that descend from springs in the foothills in the west and cut narrow canyons east through the top layer of siltstone into the granite beneath. Small lakes surrounded by denser forests form from these rivers throughout the region before continuing south to the ocean. Rolling hills spread out for many miles with sporadic, light forest cover doting the lowlands.


Lakes fed by the many small rivers of the region create explosions of life amid the relatively sparse hills. A wide variety of deciduous trees can be found vying for the choice growing position close to the water while hardier varieties are scattered throughout the lowlands of the hilly landscape. The animals that call this region home tend to travel from lake to lake to feed on vegetation or prey on other creatures.

Fauna & Flora

The Dire Boar herds that roam the countryside leave patches of disturbed land and torn vegetation in their wake. Their population is kept in check by flights of Griffins that hunt them from the peaks of the Windsong Mountains.
Inhabiting Species


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