Magic Discipline: Nature Magic Spell in Oathbound | World Anvil
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Magic Discipline: Nature Magic

By extending a tendril of Mana energy to the target, the caster is able to affect that target's energy and material components, even on the molecular level if the caster is attuned enough to their Mana to gain such precise perceptions.


Nature Magic involves the manipulation of the elements of the natural world or the processes of living creatures. Accelerating or slowing growth in living tissues, triggering chemical reactions, changing temperatures and physically rearranging the components of an object are all common uses of Nature Magic.

Side/Secondary Effects

Even as Nature Magic's possible applications are essentially limited only by a caster's imagination, so too are the potential consequences of manipulating the natural world's fundamental forms without intimate knowledge of its inner workings. If a caster mixes elements that form an explosive reaction, there is no law guaranteeing the desired outcome. Only precise control and attention to detail will suffice.


The effects of Nature Magic can be felt in a plethora of ways depending on how the caster brings them into being. The casting itself is usually accompanied by increased Mana saturation in the area, due to the extension of the caster's Mana to affect the desired reactions. Those who are attuned to Mana fluctuations around them may be able to notice this. If the mana concentration is great enough, the saturated air will begin to glow faintly, usually with blue tint.


The caster's Mana energy acts as the catalyst force to affect the desired change, expending some Mana when forces or materials are created. Much of the caster's Mana used while casting is not lost if the effect is simply manipulating existing elements. The unspent tendrils of Mana extended from the caster to interact with the target can be pulled back to the caster once the spell is finished, retaining that energy.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Applied Restriction
While the caster is able to reach into another living being with their Mana to attempt to manipulate their physical form, an unwilling target can resist with a controlled counter-thrust of their own Mana or simply rely on their Lifeforce to reject the influence. Lifeforce has a highly rigid reaction to outside Mana interference, triggered by a subconscious aversion. This means that any living creature has a resistance to magic of this type based on the strength of their Lifeforce. Lifeforce is not usually lost or expended in an attempt to resist Mana interference.

Articles under Magic Discipline: Nature Magic


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