Magic Discipline: Light Magic Spell in Oathbound | World Anvil
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Magic Discipline: Light Magic

By calling on the aid of the Light and focusing on a desired effect, the Light's power makes itself manifest through the caster's Mana.


Light Magic tends to focus on healing and protection, as well as purification, which can be used to deal damage to or hinder targets of alignments opposed to the Light. Light Magic is also used to pierce illusion and darkness, revealing the world as it truly is.

Side/Secondary Effects

The actual casting of the spell is a willful act but the effect is not entirely under the caster's control. Light Magic takes form through Alreon's favor and the caster's mana fuels this effect. While casting the spell is a willful act, the cost exacted has an element of unpredictability to it. The effect is willed into being by the caster, often without intimate knowledge of the full requirements, such as healing internal bleeding. The power of the Light fulfills the will of the caster and drains their Mana reserves accordingly. This cost can be greater than expected, leaving the caster severely weakened or even incapacitated. An experienced caster may be able to sense the cost as the spell is cast and cancel the spell if it proves too great a cost for them, or even reduce the desired effect so their mana reserves are not too severely depleted.


There is a faint pale glow from the caster, usually from their hands or eyes when a spell of this discipline is cast. When particularly powerful spells are cast, a low-pitched hum may briefly accompany the effect as well.


While spells cast from this discipline directly drain the caster's Mana to produce the effect, and the caster's will activates that effect, it is the power of the Light that allows the effect to take form.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Effect Casting Time
Most Light spells are cast instantaneously, though there may be a short build-up of mana before more powerful spells.
Applied Restriction
Only followers of the Alreon are able to call on the Light's power. Other disciplines of magic rely only on manipulating Mana or Lifeforce but Light Magic uniquely requires the Light to act through the caster.

Articles under Magic Discipline: Light Magic


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