Domumar Settlement in Oathbound | World Anvil
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Almost all permanent residents are Dwarves, but a few Elves also call Domumar home, usually diplomatic officials or representatives of a large trade business.

Industry & Trade

Huge systems of mines below the city provide metals, stone and precious gems that are worked by artisans to produce all manner of goods from weapons and building materials to jewelry and coins. Many artisans based in the city work abroad on construction projects or on commissioned crafts. Some agricultural products are exported to lands that consider such things exotic in exchange for similarly exotic goods and materials, lumber being the primary import. (Brewing from infused "Living" gemstones)


Most of the population is housed on the slopes of the mountains around Illashal Bay, which have been terraformed into level tiers. A variety of cranes, elevators and ziplines are used to transport people and materials to different levels. Docks and wharfs surround the bay on all sides and dry docks closer to the mouth of the bay allow larger ships to be serviced.


It is not uncommon to see visiting Elves in the city, either on business or to simply admire the work of the Dwarves. Those who grow most of the city's food recognize that their goods are considered exotic by most Elves and vendors can be found throughout the city attempting to catch the eye of any elf that happens by. The mines below the mountain are spoken of in a tone of wonder by visiting Elves, prompting others to venture to the city to see for themselves. Though not strictly touted as a tourist spot, several mentorship programs have sprung up that allow Elves to work in the mines for a few days to see it all in action. A whole section of mines has been dedicated to these programs and even though it is well understood that the mines are expected to do serious work, the Elves are essentially given a hands-on tour.


Most of the structures were originally carved directly from the stone of the mountains themselves when the tiers were first cut back into the mountain face. As structures became old and worn, they would be replaced by blocks excavated from the mines. The stone tends to be white marble, which can become weathered and yellow as years pass. It is periodically restored to its pristine white, though buildings which are less aesthetically important are often given less attention. Buildings owned by influential members of society often have intricate etchings around their frames, which often means the building is treated with a sealant to prevent weathering. Most buildings are quite square and pressed close together due to the limited space on any given tier of the city.


The Illashal River cuts through the mountains to reach the Altumar Ocean, and forms Illashal Bay around which the city is built. The high faces of the Windsong Mountains wrap around the bay.

Natural Resources

Rich mineral and ore deposits, fresh water from the Illashal River, access to the Altumar Ocean for fishing, various foods grown on the higher levels of the city's tiered layout.
Founding Date
10700 OB
Alternative Name(s)
Dwarven Capital
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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