Gemlight Settlement in O'l Andem | World Anvil
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Gemlight is a large deep gnome city based west of the Ashfell in The Nihilisolis. The city is seperated by large tunnel systems that leads to the different districts. Navigating the maze like tunnels can take years for non Svirfneblin to learn and non tend to stay long enough to actually get acquainted. The city gets its name from the thousands of sapphires that protrude the stone around the city. These sapphires are illegal to mine and any attempt to do so can be punishable by exile or maiming. The Sapphires have a religious meaning to the deep gnomes and is said to be a blessing from Garl Glittergold himself. It has trading relations to the HMA and the ETA and deal mostly in gemstone.


Though a good 99% of the population consists of Svirfneblin you can find the occasional Duregar or Dwarf. Other races have a tendency to need both sunlight fresh air once in a while and so the congested dark space drive sun dwellers (svirfneblin name for humanoid races in the overworld) insane over prolonged periods of time.


The government structure of Gemlight is rather easy. There are five major families that control and govern the city through weekly meetings lasting a couple of days. Svirfneblin have a rather relaxed relationship with politics and are mostly okay as long as they get to mine and cultivate their passion for jewellery and all things shiny.


The Svirfneblin military mostly consist of novice level wizards and arcane spellcasters. Deep gnomes tend to stay quite isolated and are therefor less involved in global scale politics. The military has a set of rules that dictate that violence is a last resort. Whenever a hostile creature is approaching the city the main focus is to use illusion and enchantment based magics to lure it away or tricking it into believing that the army is much bigger than it actually is. Deep gnomes like their overworld cousins are extremely mischievous and have incredible ingenuity and so the main entrance points to the city are jam packed with traps and contraptions made to thin out herds of hostile creatures.
Founding Date
Late Second Age
Alternative Name(s)
The Aldrohas (Gemlight in Undercommon)
Large town
Location under

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