God of Justice - Bezrasil Character in Nyelmeur | World Anvil
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God of Justice - Bezrasil (Bhez ● Rah ● Zhil)

Lawful Neutral

Physical Appearance:

Bezrasil's imposing form embodies the essence of impartial judgment. He appears as a stoic and legless deity of immense stature, his expression eternally neutral and inscrutable. In his grasp, he wields a massive, gleaming sword of unyielding justice carried by his floating hands. At the center of his presence are two polished balls that bear the weight of every decision, their equilibrium determining the balance of justice.


The symbol of Bezrasil is a set of balanced scales and a sword, symbolizing the impartiality and authority of justice. His followers often wear this symbol as a representation of their connection to the god of justice.

Domain and Portfolio:

Bezrasil's domain is the realm of justice, law, and the upholding of order in society. He embodies the unwavering principles of fairness, overseeing the dispensation of justice, the establishment of laws, and the maintenance of societal harmony. Bezrasil inspires integrity, orderliness, and the pursuit of a just and equitable world.

Personality and Motivations:

Bezrasil is an unyielding and impartial deity, driven by a dedication to upholding the principles of justice and order. His motivations are centered on the belief that a just society is one in which every individual is held accountable for their actions and where fairness prevails above all else.

Legends and Stories:

Myths depict Bezrasil as the ultimate arbiter of disputes, ensuring that justice is meted out with exacting precision. He is often portrayed as a beacon of hope for the oppressed and a source of dread for those who would seek to disrupt the balance of law.

Alignment and Worshipers:

Bezrasil's alignment is Lawful Neutral, reflecting his unwavering commitment to maintaining order and upholding justice, regardless of personal bias. His followers include judges, lawmakers, law enforcement officers, and those who seek to right societal wrongs. They look to Bezrasil for guidance in ensuring that the rule of law prevails.  

Interactions with Mortals:

Bezrasil communicates with mortals through visions of courtroom proceedings, dreams of justice served, and the subtle influence of conscience. He sends signs in the form of opportunities to right wrongs, the appearance of just leaders, and the emergence of fair and equitable laws, urging his followers to uphold the principles of justice in their lives.
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