Magen Species in Núreht | World Anvil
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Natural sorcerers born from the union of a mortal and a god, magen take on the species of their mortal parent, with the lifespan and reproductive cycles that that entails, with a handful of additional anatomical features as defined by their divine one. Abnormal eyes and one or more horns or antlers may be considered the most obvious features of magen as a species, with the latter serving as conduits through which the mage channels magic.

Ferrotoxicity and haemocyanin

Of particular note is a mage's intolerance to Iron. Inherited from their divine parent, magen exhibit a contact allergy to iron, the severity of which correlates with the individual's recent use of magic. Should iron penetrate the skin and remain in the body for a prolonged period, the allergic response may lead to tremors, delerium, and death. Iron within the body will prevent a mage from using magic. Further complicating matters, injuries inflicted by iron are resistant to arcane medicine.   With such senstitivity to the presence of iron in their bodies, magen blood is based on Copper, with haemocyanin as the oxygen-carrying component instead of haemoglobin. All magen are blood type C; they cannot give or receive blood transfusions from non-magen.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

A mage is able to produce viable, non-mage, offspring with another member of their ancestral species. Magen are rare enough that there are few historical cases of second-generation magen, but those which have been documented do not share their parents' divine traits, and appear to be natural members of their grandparents' species. In both cases, the child posesses a natural affinity for magic, though it is unclear if this is an innate quality or a result of their home environment.

Magen are unable to produce viable offspring with an immortal. There is little research in this area, but the prevailing hypothesis is that a 1/4 mortal child does not carry enough mass to pass the threshold from Dream to Reality.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The visual range of a mage extends into the immaterial, and magen are able to perceive the component elements that make up reality, and the traces of magical workings undetectable to light-based vision. This, more than anything, contributes to a mage's arcane prowess; they do not have to work to undo their perception of reality as a finite solid.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
bæga ðoldðorat
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Cover image: Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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