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Lomanû (loˈmany)

The origin of the prehistoric Ilcari god of war, a lomanû is related to the feathered dragons of the Uazatco mountains. Unlike the smaller Uazatco dragons, a lomanû is flightless and nocturnal, relying on stealth and ambush to catch its prey - mainly hornless rhinocerii, elephants, and ground sloths of the Aylari temperate rainforests.   Lomanû suffered from extensive habitat loss as the rainforests were cleared for agriculture, and were actively hunted by Ilcari settlers in the region, both to reduce predation on settlements by juveniles and for resources. Lomanû bones and feathers were used to build cottages and city walls, the skin was tanned into leather armour, and the diamond-like teeth were used as weapons and household tools.

Basic Information


Commonly believed to be a feathered snake or reptile, a lomanû is an atypical form of wyvern. It has a sinuous body with two forelimbs ending in eight articulated claws, three of which are prehensile. A pair of vestigial wings are apparent on hatchlings, before their adult feathers cover them.   The flat, arrow-shaped head has up to three layers of long, damond-like teeth and locking jaws. Lacking both the ability to tear their prey into manageable pieces and the ability to swallow animals larger than their gape, lomanû have evolved the ability to 'spit' a concentrated jet of stomach acid to incapacitate their prey and begin the digestive process.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Categorised as a lesser drake, lomanû are nonetheless capapble of identifying patterns and adapting their hunting techniques to predict behaviour. They have exhibited behaviour consistent with recognising individual humans and prioritising threats when attacked (eg: targeting older, more experienced hunters).
Conservation Status
Critically Endangered.   Lomanû were believed to be extinct after the last known adult was slain in 5.881. However, in 5.927, an expedition to a remote part of the Akupia Territory uncovered a nest containing a clutch of eggs; the global population is estimated to be between 5 and 10.   Deforestation and urbanisation of its former hunting grounds combined with massive reductions in available prey species, long breeding cycles, and the lomanû's aggressive nature means that it is unlikely to recover its former range without help.   A proposal for a restorative breeding programme, presented to the Aylari Environment Ministry in 5.898, was comprehensively rejected.
Average Weight
2,3 - 3,000 kg (estimate)
Average Length
20-24 metres (estimate)
Geographic Distribution

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