Siege Unit η-3 Character in Numidius | World Anvil

Siege Unit η-3

Siege Unit Eta-3 (a.k.a. Eta)

Siege Unit η-3 is a fabled Warforged who was the original owner of the first discovered Warforged Coin. His existance, while shrouded in dubt, has served as inspiration for plenty of tales.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Siege Unit η-3, also referred to as Eta-3 was supposedly created as part of an attempt by the mages of Darseras to create an obedient, expendable soldier to bolster their ranks against Agustin Andor and The Aderian Empire during the 1st Vintian Crusades.     Acording to Taldirian folklore, In the year 1205 he was found inside a sealed chest by a human cleric named mundo and a dwarf named Ruby Hammerwhacker in Debye Pass while on their way to with a caravan to Taldirin. Being lost, copperless and without means to defend himslef, the now nicknamed "Eta" joined Mundo and Ruby and in Taldirin where he met with Zefan Exelance and lodbruk Einstein. According to some versions of the tale, Eta arrived to Taldirin in order to track down a unique bow, paying for it using the original warforged coin.   Eta is also mentioned in the Ponderer's Notes, although this encounter happened during his visit to the Inn of Lost Souls. Since The Ponderer's memories of the inn did not pass to Fores and Alexia Von Grieft, the existance of Eta is only supported by circumctential evidence.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572

A relic of a bygone age, attempting to adapt to a foreign world

View Character Profile
Current Location
592 AC 620 AC 28 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Development of inproved Warforged units.
Circumstances of Death
Presumed dead with all other Warforged after the battle of the Second Sun.
Blue glass
1.75 meters
250 kg


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